Ruck Cohlchez ?

This was an unexpected fantastic Google search result. I searched for the phrase, and the first resulted contained this sentence:

I couldn't quite call it that, but it was my #1 show last year. I'm a sucker for a terrific ending of hard-won optimism, so "Every day it gets easier" was to 2015 what "Looks to me like the light is winning" was to 2014.

I still listen to it all the time. It's perfect road-trip material, too.

The first season of Eastbound is perfect. It might be the best season of comedy this century not named Arrested Development.

Goggins is from Georgia originally, I believe (as was his character in The Shield, for that matter), so of course he nails this character perfectly.

Well, if you start with Cut Man, you end up doing Guts Man last, but you also have to do Elec Man twice to get the Magnet Beam. I usually just did Guts Man without it, I guess because I'm a masochist or something.

I feel it's extremely important to remind people of this story at every turn. O'Reilly is an asshole creep, and not just for his on-camera behavior.

I always started with Cut Man first but Bomb Man is probably correct.

*rips out throats of every AV Club writer*

The Dissolve featured MacGruber as Movie of the Week, and reading those articles convinced me to watch it. It's gut-bustingly funny.

By default, if it features Alan Partridge, it belongs on a "funniest list of [whatever it is]."

Oh man, I had forgotten about this. Really underrated. Method Man and Redman have charisma and chemistry to burn in this one.

Still no Super Troopers, still no MacGruber. I am grateful, however, that Sean O'Neal seems to really, truly embrace the idea that the point of comedy is to be funny.

Immigants! I knew it was them. Even when it was the virus I knew it was them.

The way I see it, it probably took some effort on Todd's part to get himself mentally ready to do this, and after making him go through that, Phil not only took it back, he did so in the most dramatic and (potentially) devastating way possible he could have.

This is exactly the kind of comment that lets you know the person speaking has no joy in life outside of agitating people on the Internet.

That's the low-calorie one, right?


Also, I feel like quite a few films on this list aren't really "comedies" so much as "dramas with funny moments."

Also, where's Super Troopers?