Ruck Cohlchez ?

I dunno. We only saw a handful of things in that regard, and only one of them really played to me as him having a serious tactical advantage, rather than simply taking advantage of others' weaknesses:

You mean you weren't convinced it was real when he addressed Laura Montez as "Selina"?

No, no, it isn't.

Damn, I just posted almost this exactly. I should read down more often.

We should probably stop talking about "the Midwest" and instead be more specific, like "Great Plains" and "Rust Belt" (or, if you want those states to be great again as well, "Great Lakes States").

Tyrell and Martell ships are with Dany as well. It's some time much later, after the fleets have met up.

"We've been going east this whole time?!"

The real question is, is that GRRM showing Ned has some dumb and backwards ideas about chivalry and sexual consent, or are those GRRM's own dumb ideas?

I would prefer:

I was just glad I got your joke, even if it took me a second. But rather than deny other people the chance to figure it out on their own, I just made a reference to a similar joke.

The Shield's best episode to date was its 65th episode. (I say "to date" because the final six episodes are all arguably even better, and each one arguably better than the last.)

I think he'll do what Cersei tells him to, and since her "crimes" were sexual in nature, I'd be hard pressed not to think she intended to have him rape the Septa.

"I can't feel my face when I'm with you… 'cause you're wearing it…"

Reminds me of one character's fate in my favorite of all TV dramas, The Shield.

Fewer every day, it seems! (Freys, that is.)

Apparently they dated for a while and it ended badly. I wonder if that was back in the "Robson & Jerome" days.

Ugh, yeah, people casting spoilers in the comments all the time and I frickin' hate that.

All that opium (sorry, 'milk of the poppy') makes it much easier to disregard serious wounds!

How long did Robert's Rebellion last? Rhaegar could have conceivably gotten Lyanna pregnant before the ran away.

Hanging out in the lobby, waiting for someone with a student ID to let her in.