Ruck Cohlchez ?

I still wanted Ramsay's fate to be that he would be chopped into pieces and each piece mailed off to a family who had a grudge against him.

Not sure if anyone else answered this for you, but I was under the impression that Davos assumed Shireen died in the battle somehow— or at least, when Melisandre came back to Castle Black, she didn't give any of the particulars as to what happened, just indicated that all was lost. Like I'm pretty sure he knew Shireen

It's sad that a bastard can be torn apart by something as simple as a pack of wild dogs.

"Oh, just print the goddamn thing!"

BoJack improves a lot starting in episode 5, I think. I really had to force myself through the first four to get going. But it gets a lot better.

What's the ultimate cliffhanger?

So I did briefly consider, but I was never comfortable for "I'd be voting for a President because I hope he will be a meaningless puppet."

Just because you repeat "hyperbole" over and over doesn't make it true. Thank Christ for making clear you have no relevance to anything I am interested in discussing.

Is "Grab your blankie and go find a safe space, Trigger Warning" how adults talk where you're from?

As others have pointed out, what stood out to me this episode was that so many of the plots were Bad Sitcom 101. "I've got to meet with two groups of people at the same time, and they can't know about each other!" is as hacky as it gets, and mistaking Catherine/Marjorie for Catherine/Selina was as Wacky

"Bogged down"? It was so brief I barely noticed it. I think you might be the one getting "bogged down" by a fixation.

I always liked it when he'd be talking to Susan, she'd walk up just as Alan was saying something inappropriate, then have to stifle a giggle as she immediately turned around and walked away.

Yeah, duh. What a willful misinterpretation of your other comment by that guy.

Yes! That's what it is. The plotting was shockingly full of hacky sitcom misunderstandings and things like that. Funny to have the That's My Bush article go up Wednesday, since it too mentioned a "two events at the same time you have to keep secret from one another!" plot.

And I think Selina blowing him off is going to cause her problems.

There's always Lynn, who has the world's most thankless job as Alan Partridge's assistant.

At least she seemed to understand that Andrew— you know, her friggin' father— was trying to fleece her.

"They're gonna die on impact!"
"What did he say?"
"I heard 'Good luck'!"

Hahaha. Touche'!

Well, uh, the previous comment leaves other storytelling problems aside.