Ruck Cohlchez ?

Gilfoyle drilled a hole into Dinesh's hard drive.

A lot of the stuff with the nerds and Comic Book Guy criticizing the show is essentially satirizing the newsgroup, which was notoriously nitpicky and frequently claimed the show was "in decline" as early as season 3.

Funny enough, when @douayrheimschalloner:disqus said "Ray Holt," I read it as "Ray Ford" and thought, "Luther is back on TV?! Where?"

"Really? I thought it meant toilet."

Jacqueline ends up with a young, poor, hot dog masseuse and aspiring DJ.

with Jan the Man wondering why he hasn’t been fired either various blog posts about candidate meetings raising his old frustrations about not being CEO.

True beer snobs put down the Goose Island once InBev bought them.

Easily the best of the Dinesh burns.

Haven't read the comments yet, but it just occurred to me: Meinertzhagen's Haversack was a ruse, sure, but even better than Jared's usage of it is how it ties in even better into the final minutes: After all, the ruse was an officer accidentally dropping a bag full of plans.

I enjoyed the payoff of people confessing one by one, but I thought the answer of "everybody did" was really obvious.

Is that anything like Blips and Chitz?

Oddly enough, I was watching on HBO GO, and I turned the captions on to figure out this line, and they left it out!

We'll see Dorne one more time, when Dany arrives to Westeros.

IMDB says David Rintoul plays Aerys.

Yeah, I think your first sentence is the biggest difference— the show seems to be less dense in its dialogue. There's a lot of funny material there still, but I miss the rapid-fire back-and-forth.

I've always wondered that: What is the full topography of the setting? Are we just covering part of a world like Earth, with just a couple of the countries (or even a couple of the continents)?

Well, he wasn't just about to die, he was about to die and turn. (I had to look this up from a previous Benjen appearance, but back in season 1, the Watch finds the bodies of the other two members who accompanied him on his expedition, bring them back, and they reanimated as wights that night.)

I don't think there's real evidence. I think it's a combination of "We never saw a body, so Syrio isn't dead" and "It would make sense if the Faceless Men had someone hiding among the Starks and / or recognized her gifts early on and sent someone to watch over her," but would it, really?

It's funny, because his reviews for The Shield and The Knick were just as bad, and commenters complained just as much.

I think Margaery is definitely planning a long game, but I don't think Olenna is in on it, because Margaery hasn't been able to communicate with anyone. She has to fully commit to the role to sell it.