Ruck Cohlchez ?

Have you tried typing "deez" into Google and seeing what auto-complete suggests?

That's close, but I don't think it's quite it— even process- and results-oriented people are usually working toward the same goal. Process-oriented people are just more focused on what they can control. I don't think Jimmy is mistaking a lucky result for a good process; I think for Chuck, procedure is an end unto

What hypothesis is that?

Hah, I'm thinking of GOB working for Stan Sitwell now for the same sense of approval.

That doesn't seem the case to me at all.

Netflix has some kind of deal with AMC for BCS rights; when I was in Mexico, BCS was available to stream on Netflix a couple of hours after the first-run episode ended.

I thought they both made good points, but in the end, yeah, one guy who might want revenge 5-10 years later is not nearly as much heat as the Cartel descending on the area almost immediately.

I didn't see the preview, but: If they couldn't perform an appendectomy properly, what makes you think they could revive a guy bleeding out and flatlining from a botched surgery?

At the same time, Chuck's reaction when Jimmy told him Kim didn't know he was planning to air an unapproved spot suggested he does have the power to influence the decision, if at the very least by telling Howard that.

Yeah, if we were talking D&D, Chuck would be in the Lawful Evil / Lawful Neutral category and Jimmy would be in Neutral Good / True Neutral territory (as chaotic as Jimmy can be, it's hard for me to imagine any lawyer being truly Chaotic).

*gets struck by lightning bolt directly from the TV*
CHUCK: Damn… so that's what being allergic to electricity really feels like.

I was kind of expecting Mike to show up with the worm, not long after Phil 2 has been buried, and Phil 1 to say "Damn it, I still can't be Phil Miller?!"

What Chuck doesn't seem to realize is that Jimmy has genuinely good intentions and is trying to do what's best for the law firm— he just can't handle that he can't take shortcuts or do it "his way." He's a lawyer for whom procedure is not especially important, who will fudge it for convenience if he can get away with

Jimmy already said in this episode "James McGill, Esquire will no longer practice law." We know that to be true. Chuck probably does not realize what he is creating when Jimmy makes that promise, though (even though Chuck, lawyer that he is, refused to explicitly say the words to Jimmy, I feel there's a non-zero

As a college-aged person in 2002 and 2003, I think PBR was already starting to be the brand of hipsters. Of course, Mike wouldn't give a shit about any of that and probably has been drinking PBR for years.

I think he really played up being wide-eyed and naive, which helped a lot.

Phew, I was getting worried I was the only one who thought of the Sofa King.

Me too. Which is why I'm replying to this comment three months after it was posted.

Alternately, they're a comedy show and their goal is to produce the funniest material possible, not the most blatant political tract.

All trump has ever done is try to stop illegals and potential terrorists