Ruck Cohlchez ?

"It's one banana, Michael! How much could it cost, ten dollars?"

Yeah, the guy is clearly just a magical-thinking nut. Which makes his offense at rude language even funnier; it's like he really believes in the South Park Words of Curse.

I thought it was pretty good until "Racists For Trump" made it too on-the-nose. Worked much better as a seemingly normal campaign commercial that just had all the hints of white supremacy on the margins.

What Gospel revelation? Paul NEVER appears in the Gospels.

According to the Wikipedia article, the incident that killed him was videotaped, but it's not clear if it's the same video as the one that made the rounds on the Internet.

I remember hearing the story but I don't remember ever seeing the video— I certainly didn't look for it.

…MTV's Dan Cortese…

More than Sister Act? That's news to me.

She seemed like she was into Abbi this episode.

I think gambling should be legal, but well-regulated to ensure an honest game and one with realistic odds of winning.

The lack of clocks anywhere is the one I always notice.

I kind of loved how, at least in my reading, they seemed to be playing it up like Ilana would be getting an abortion— "It's the last day I can have this, uh, procedure," "Lincoln, you're my rock today," etc. Nope, just an HPV vaccine.

Paul's teachings perverted all the ideas Jesus taught about how to live into nonsense about worship and faith and mysticism.

Cat food, bits of old credit cards, mouthwash, rotten crow…

I find it infuriating that Daily Fantasy Sports, which are only beatable by a select few with giant bankrolls and lots of processing power, are legal, while online poker, an actual game of skill, and sports betting, an extremely simple and straightforward way to bet money on sports, aren't.

He learned to say Yes.

Huh, here in the States "dabbing" usually means smoking butane hash oil.

I think at this point he has too much creative freedom for that to be a realistic possibility. (Kind of like how Kurt Sutter's insanity was a great seasoning for The Shield but turned his own shows into bloating, overwrought messes (eventually in the case of Sons of Anarchy, but almost immediately with The Bastard

Why do people keep presuming season 12 is the end?