Ruck Cohlchez ?

Yeah, I don't think they need to his the reset button on Mac's self-awareness or his being out. I found it really interesting how nihilistic he seemed to become at the revelation— I think taking Mac in that direction, as someone who now engages in self-loathing by doing what he enjoys to hedonistic, numbing excess,

The problem is that Ryan Murphy just doesn't give a shit about character consistency, and character consistency is a big part of what makes Sunny great.

We don't actually know if he frequented the bar, or if he is just the kind of guy to have extensively researched the gay scene in town. That said, his exchange with Charlie last week was a highlight:

No, I think episodes from seasons 4 and 5 like "Mac's Banging the Waitress" and "Mac and Dennis Break Up" were already starting to lean that direction (Mac wanting the Waitress to dress as Charlie, Dennis being sick of Mac's obsession with the male physique). He was still having sex with women, and he's most likely

I think he was one of God's angels in Mac's fantasy of heaven.

Yeah, he seemed to have some particularly nihilistic conclusions about his discovery.

He first brought up "the implication" in "The Gang Buys a Boat" in season six. So it's an idea he's had in mind for a long time— but seeing it actually in action is definitely the scariest he's ever been.

Hope Solo might have also gotten more backlash if her husband Jerramy Stevens wasn't a scumbag who committed multiple rapes while he was playing football at the University of Washington.

I love The Shield— it's potent and powerful and will, I think, stand the test of time because it's not as interested in portraying its specific time and place like The Sopranos was, or in giving us characters to judge and feel morally superior toward (again, The Sopranos). It's a show that makes the viewers feel the

Especially since Agassi's whole "image is everything" schtick (until he cut off all his hair and became a balding old guy playing tennis) was maybe the most 90s thing any tennis player ever did.

jary gets ipad?

The Shield isn't a police procedural so much as a tragedy based on some corrupt police.

Police in this country are such fucking crybabies when it comes to anyone daring to suggest they not kill unarmed, unthreatening people. "Show us total deference and don't dare question our use of lethal force or we won't do our job at ALL! WAAAH! WAAAH!"

That statement is such an ugly implication. It's the "they do it, why can't we?" logic, except replace "using the n-word" with "killing black people." And it's a line of thought that suggests Black Lives Matter chose the correct slogan for the movement.

I just got to see the episode, and I'm sure everything serious to say about it has been said, both better than I could say it and by people better equipped to talk about it than me, but I did want to give Junior his credit for an epic burn:

Mustaches grow back, but Baby Num-Num? That's never going away.

"That'll teach me to be honest with children…"`

Oh my god, picturing Phil Hartman saying this to the rest of the Sinatra Group has me howling.

Since the initial comment was deleted, I'll go ahead and say here that "Sheesh! Cab, Bob?" is the correct answer for the show's true dive into weirdness, but honestly, having gone back and watched the earlier episodes after the show was well into its run, they fit in just fine. Hell, "Crawl Space" is the second

I know what other people are saying, but that is not enough to convince me it is not speculation.