Ruck Cohlchez ?

The creators have negotiated for shorter seasons because they've increasingly had other projects, as well.

I don't think they're going to worry too much about protecting Junior because he's going to have a lot less opportunity to be sexually active.

The "moving the lead character's desk far away" thing reminded me too much of The Office (where at least it made sense when it happened there), so I was glad they didn't dwell on it too much.

I loved how annoyed Jake got that Adrian didn't use a crazy-awesome and obviously-fake undercover name like he would have, without realizing that boring fake names might be your preference when your real name is Adrian Pimento.

I assume so; the same person earned the degree, after all.

Jimmy told him they were going to have to make a video. I'm pretty sure at that point he's just doing whatever he thinks will get the cops off his back.

They're all such great names, too. I wouldn't be surprised if he came up with all of them.

So did I. You know what, I remember reading a lot of places that this show was created or run by a woman.

As a fan of both I'm Gonna Get You Sucka and Fear of a Black Hat, I'm shocked I'd never heard of CB4 before this review.

Until we see him in-universe, my headcanon will now be that the other Hamlin in Hamlin, Hamlin & McGill is Howard's late father (or much older brother), who founded the firm with Chuck and would have been played by Phil Hartman.


I was really hoping that, too.

This is why I love The Shield. There's no attempt at all to "explain" the characters, to draw in deep backstories to make them hyper-specific. They're just presented as they are, they do what they do based on who they are, and we see the consequences. And curiously enough, this allows the viewer to empathize more with

I'm guessing it would be a lot harder to prove Jimmy knew the "squat cobbler" story wasn't true, until he falsified evidence.

A cup of grace?

I thought that was Bob's Burgers.

Naw, I was thinking the same thing. "Why are these dudes proud of a Ty Cobb card?"

You didn't think court cases were decided by arguments and evidence and juries, did you?

Chuck deliberately sabotaged Jimmy's attempts to go straight because his ego couldn't handle the idea that his little brother could possibly ever be any sort of professional equal in his eyes. Fuck Chuck.

You're an ass. Don't bother replying to me, because I don't have anything to say to you. I comment only because it is remarkable the degree to which you stand out as an ass on this forum. You're rude, petty, mean-spirited and intentionally trying to drive people away from conversation. You, yes, you personally, are