
@Pook365: Apple works with many other 3rd party companies, and when they find a really good one, they buy them up to own the technology.

@eliavictor: How much simpler do you get than massive animated picture icons? :D

@BLACKHAWK: I see your point, but ultimately the marketing is what will get the device attention - look what it does for overpriced and overhyped Apple products.

@acjwatt: You can choose up to 9 colours if you don't like the blue.

@Jeff: Agreed.

"Everything" - agreed.

@PhilR8: Agreed, I think that's a very big possibility. Let's wait and see.

"As sea levels rose..."

iPhone has 1,000,000 apps.*

@Gary_7vn: Yes sir. I just bought an 80gb Intel x25-M for that specific reason.

And so the demise of the iPad begins...

Sexy! WP7 looking more and more promising on the hardware front.

I thought they'd just resolved their differences?

Handy killswitch indeed, this sucks for them.