
I seriously don't know anyone that hates Manny Ramirez and I'm from the city Boras made him leave for the extra million in Boston.

Why's there a picture of the Angels in the Outfield guy?

Thank you for crossing out Pr******ive and putting in Jacob's. The field's name change is the core of the Indians problems the last two years. Before it was Pr******ive they got within an out of the World Series, since the change... not so much.

God forbid a non-athlete get some financial help. They should be punished for letting the booster's money get in the hands of dirty average joes.

Although the WNBA players themself don't need Lifelock as nobody knows who they are to steal their identity.

That bat-rolling site should be on Geocities (RIP)

Ha! That's the first thing I noticed to, which I didn't think qualified a post.

They should make him an unlockable character in the next GTA.

Maybe the Indians should trade for him. He could be our Ace....

So theoretically we could create groups related to schools we DON'T like to get them in trouble?

They could sell more stadium sponsorships:

Reminded me of a Mitch Hedburg quote:

Maybe a fellow prisoner will show him what it's REALLY like to not be a role model.

That is the worst explanation ever. They're really going to say that the photoshopped version is more natural than the original picture?

NFL Head Coach did so terribly they ended up selling the original for $10 and the 2nd one was given away with the special edition of Madden.

I don't understand how Braylon Edwards could play basketball. There is WAY too much catching of a ball involved for him to be able to participate.