He does evolutionary psychology, which is the crazy aunt locked in the attic to most psychologists.
He does evolutionary psychology, which is the crazy aunt locked in the attic to most psychologists.
The Most Awkward Thing: When you're walking past someone and you aren't sure whether to make eye contact and acknowledge them with a quick smile or just keep walking, so you do that thing where you briefly make accidental eye contact and then instinctively avert your eyes immediately afterwards, looking like a…
I'm confused. Isn't this what best friends are for?
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In a related story, a woman was brought here to the UAE to be a house maid. She was raped within a week by the head of the household. She reported the crime to the police and then went to her nation's embassy to stay because she had no place else to go.
I prefer the psedo-intellectual approach of going straight to Zizek. Why bother with Hegel or Lacan to start hating words?
While, I wouldn't have reacted that way, I can understand how the death of a celebrity that you idolized growing up can feel like a real loss.