It is bad writing(i.e confusing), and seems to be say some very wrong stuff that I can't exactly call the author on...or can I?
It is bad writing(i.e confusing), and seems to be say some very wrong stuff that I can't exactly call the author on...or can I?
Dafuq? I mean, I know that the article is tongue in cheek satirical, but I also can't tell what the hell the author actually thinks about men and emotions and media perceptions of them. I got the distinct impression that she is reiterating the idea that there is something wrong with men who are open about their…
My first thought was, "Wow, some insane guy took the idea that marriage is emasculating to whole 'nuther level." .
The experience of being told that you are not good enough to be someone's partner is terrible. They could say "Look, I'm just not attracted to you.", but no, they have to take it an egotistical step further. There ARE men out there who find a variety of sizes attractive, because they think women are sexy period. I'm…
I have been on both sides of this coin, I've worked as a waitress and in retail at a service desk, and I'm a parent. Being rude and ungracious towards someone is a double no-no in front of children. Where do you think they learn to respect others? My parents had many faults, but they taught me to treat strangers,…
Yeah, well the Heptones penned the only "Book of Rules" that I care for.
Lauds to this, and fuck whomever and whatever wants to make me into an endlessly bubbly money-making automaton. Where might we be if we valued silence and thoughtfulness I wonder? Where would we be if accepted that sadness and grief are not just unpleasant parts of being human but actually necessary parts of our human…
No words can express how tiresome I find the "...what do you do?" question, and the nearly ever present self-comparing concern that comes along with it. I want to shout at them "I AM FUCKING JOYOUSLY ALIVE FOR A BRIEF TIME, PLEASE STOP WASTING OUR TIME WITH THIS NONSENSE!", but alas, I don't have Asperger's bad enough…
Typical foolish American. Carbs are for booze.
Before you go to a specialist here are some things you can do to improve the quality of your sleep, without major lifestyle changes. Practice good sleep hygiene. This means: go to bed at the same time everyday, use white noise or ear plugs to block noise, make sure your room is dark enough or use an eye mask, set your…
I know right? I felt like she took offense just because obesity and lack of sleep are linked(and compound each other). These studies on sleep are like those studies on smoking that show how bad it is for your quality of life, they should help motivate you to take care of yourself. They should also motivate healthcare…
I am seconding everyone who says you should go to a sleep clinic and see an endocrinologist. If that doesn't turn up any answers, keep looking. This is your body, you deserve to feel good, and those around you deserve a good feeling you too. I had chronic insomnia for many years, not only does going through life tired…
Though you have concisely defended yourself on this thread I just wanted to chime in my support of your language. Even though I'm married, the male human to whom I'm pair-bonded refers to me as his woman and I to him as "my man". You see, to us, marriage is a legal construct that originated as a way for a man to own a…
I don't know about the old guys being pervs, I just think that many of them are still 20 years old in their heads. It's like that line about high school aged girls from Dazed and Confused, "...I keep getting older and they stay the same age.". I agree that women's preference for healthy young men as genetic suppliers…
Yes. I agree completely. I said it in my own thread, but I'll say it here too because it is relevant. This Mommy War stuff is b.s., and like a lot of b.s. it is a distraction from what we should be talking about. I mean, we've turned this into who has the super power of mom vs. who has the super power of career, when…
Noooo. The bait, you fell for it. The problem is not whether women can write and be mothers, or even whether the problem is people who think women cant be mothers to multiple children and still write. No. The #1 obstacle preventing people from from expressing their creativity is socioeconomic. Creativity is a process…
This seemed relevant, here is Harlan Ellison's succinct rant that speaks to exactly what you, Lindy, and Catherine are discussing.
Try and get her to use a different method of delivery, the shot, the patch, the mirena(sp?) IUD. All of those are good for space case teenagers. Honestly, you should try and encourage her to use condoms because she is at the prime age for STD exposure.
While I'm sure this is partially an education issue, we should recognize that people don't only engage in risky behavior due to ignorance, and that there are plenty of psychological and sociological forces at play as well.
I hear you, but I also think that this woman and the administration are not on equal footing. It is their job, as educators and role models , to embody how adults should be. She may have been inappropriate, but it was age appropriate. Their actions should have been mature, prudent, and wise, and I don't think the…