Rooster of Doom

I might have to turn in my Jalop Card for this, but my answer is none. No car.

“...and talked about how tired he was, and started putting his head on my shoulder…”

I’ve been playing Overwatch recently and ended up catching a bit of this on Saturday and I don’t see it getting much bigger than it currently is. I just don’t find watching people play Overwatch to be a tenth as fun as actually playing it. The constant cutting between players and angles made it hard to tell what was

1. Curling (because obviously)

“And now we see Dr Peepee moving down the promenade, oh what a proud moment this must be for his parents.”

Don’t forget the terrible callsigns that grown people who don’t fly fighter jets use.

All you greys telling me how “most of the sports in the Olympics are jokes” and “video games require hand eye coordination” - yeah, no, I’m not elevating you for that crap. Yo-yos require hand-eye coordination, and I’d honestly rather see them in the Olympics than any kind of video game. Even the most boring,

Nope. Nope nope nope. Video games don’t belong in the Olympics. The chess people have been trying to do this for decades, and they’re wrong for exactly the same reason. The Olympics is for sports, for athletes, who compete in physical, non-representative events with their own bodies.

Just because the term esports has the word sport in it doesn’t mean it should ever be an Olympic sport. Maybe a new competition for mind “sports” like this should be created. Things like Chess and other non-athletic games could be in it. I am sure it would be fun to watch but it shouldn’t be an Olympic sport.

Have you been on a NYC subway? Checking tickets is not feasible. You need turnstiles. And yes people who jump turnstiles need to be punished as a deterrent. Arresting and pressuring is stupid. It should be a citation just like a parking ticket given on sight. The person walks away with their $50 fine.

Why wouldn’t a security being sold to and bought by US consumers be subject to US financial laws?

Because we need roads?

What does Soylent Green taste like? It varies from person to person.

I am. I am the person who wants a (modernized but faithful, well-executed) Conan TV series

Frosted Mini Wheats are by far the most underrated cereal. The key is to let them absorb the milk.

One of the things that struck me as odd was this actual obsession on backstory.

Sorry, define “been forced”?

It’s actually really easy to mess up star wars because people like star wars for different reasons.

Some people like light sabers, some like the space ship battles, etc. I think Rogue Squadron is mindnumbingly boring (same goes for the force unleashed or whatever) while BFII is pretty fun.

That’s how easy it is to screw

Holy crap the entitled people in this world. I had some sympathy for those the riaa was after for music. No more. Get them. Sue the living fuck out of them. They don’t care who they rob so I don’t care what happens to them. Next they will justify other crimes because they deserve them.

Poor people should be allowed to enjoy games, music, and movies as well, as anyone else. No one should be denied something because they can’t afford it.