Rooster of Doom

As a non-parent with 4 parent couple friends, I love this article. I agree with everything here except for one thing:

Are we going to skip right past the fact that an arena with like 20 sons of the harpy shucking spears was able to injure Drogon enough that he had to fly off an go hibernate for a while?

That’s weird.... Apparently there are only 4 possible locations in the whole world for me to go with a partner with a budget of $8,000, 6 months from now. Also strangely, those 4 locations are also the only 4 places I have ALREADY flown to in the last year...

I used to have the same problem, and vinegar/baking soda/old eggs, whatever never helped.

Yup! I’m so glad that I already booked a hotel when I did. Knew this was coming, so booked a 4 star hotel in Nashville over a year ago for like $150/night. Looks like they caught on later, and rooms are up over $300 for the basic room.

I just scrolled back on Fusion and couldn’t find anything. Everything I can find says official statement and all subsequent statements say she had knives in hand.

Kotaku is reporting it as $80.

Did they have any reason to believe that she was highly agitated and wielding knives on those other days?

Sorry, nobody in their right mind would leave in that scenario. Can you imagine the press if they had left and she HAD hur thte kids. “Yeah, we knew she was agitated and wielding weapons in the house with her 4 kids, but we figured she would probably calm down” would be insane.

Can you post a link to where you are seeing that? The official statement that they released Two days ago still says that she was wielding knives.

To be clear, you are advocating that the police leave a woman with a history of mental illness, brandishing two knives, while extremely agitated, alone with 3 children?

Wait... It took 8 years for his court date?

Car that I never expected, and still never wanted...

Damn California, that’s cold... Making VW invest money into hydrogen R&D?

The only episodes of Sherlock you should skip are episodes 1, 2 and 3 of S4.

They confirmed two years ago that Tom Cruise would be starring, and that the story mostly centers around drones, the pilots, and the way that job affects them.

Bethesda, you have one job, and that is to make single player Elder Scrolls games. Any words spoken at your press conference about anything else is a waste of time.

Ahhh, so the bad news is that just one of them is quitting, instead of all five.

Ahhh, so the bad news is that just one of them is quitting, instead of all five.

Nice! Someone finally found a use for Pepsi.