Excuse me while I rush off to binge it on Netflix.
Excuse me while I rush off to binge it on Netflix.
As a three generation Microsoft loyalist, I bemusedly watched Nintendo leak like a sieve over the past half year but depending on how third party support and the console’s proprietary Pokemon game pans out it might be worth it.
As insufferable as its wall to almost wall coverage of NASCAR was, this actually makes me kind of miss SPEED tv and that one year they broadcast it...
After finally talking myself off the hamster wheel of running four endgame characters in the Division to wait on 1.4 releasing, I got around to finally starting Dragon Age: Inquisition to take its place.
Actually, I read somewhere that Andy and the boys had made peace with Ben Collins and were going to have him on the show in some capacity.
I’d wish people would just leave the poor seal alone because all the controversy surrounding it is driving me to pick up a console and the game over the holidays.
If that is indeed the water type’s “awkward” teen years I’d still be willing to take it if I get the game.
It’s not really a Moba, more World of Tanks or War Thunder with giant sci-fi warships.
IDK, I still think you’re reaching. I mean you can argue about Scarlett being too visible if you want but between Under Her Skin and Lucy it looks like her usual stoic/alien “mask.” Besides, casting controversies aside, I don’t see how any claimed fan can be justifiably purist about the movie, given that each previous…
IDK, it looks like her arms stable enough. Any movement seems to be coming from the camera work and her walking.
Yeah, I don’t get how anyone can get too derisively purist about the franchise given that each previous adaptation has an entirely separate continuity.
Well people have been demanding practical effects haven’t they...
Well the guy did say they were cutting to a pre-rendered cut scene right before...
I’d agree to a certain extent, Nolan North sounds better than whoever voiced Sheploo at least.
They’re probably just an attempt at doing the old style prosthetic eyes as practical effects.
Okay...I was kind of hoping they’d pick the anime back up now that they don’t have to worry about coming up with and funding filler arcs.
IDK, between the flesh eating super bugs in the city’s untreated water, Zika and the general dumpster fire state Rio is in, it seems like taking the ban on the chin would be for the best.
Yeah, someone on The Division subreddit claimed, perhaps hyperbolically, that apparently Massive balances the challenge mode around the tiny minority of players who have meta-ed their gear to the point where they can solo stuff on it.
Maybe it’s just the Angeleno in me, but as apathetic as I am about major American sports, Boston losing anything generally brings a smug satisfied grin to my face.