ronan pellen

Saw him last year with Zola Jesus and a cord quartet in Paris, that was amazing!

It was Du Hast on Matrix, and on the first Resident Evil they had another one, and on XXX 2, they play one song at the very beginning of the movie.

Kinda I Want To is about gay curiosity, so yeah, One Direction, basically.

And the two titles on the Lost Highway soundtrack, though not hits by themselves, but it opened the door of the US market for them. But what happened is that they only toured the US once, then preferred to focus on the rest of the world because they thought the USA were too tough a market. I think they're huge in

Gentle Herpes
Go eat feces!

Gentle Herpes, go eat feces!

"Love Against Terrorism"?

Atlas Shrugg3d: Electric Shruggaloo.

Katy Perry is not impressed.

I was more annoyed by the fact that it's the top comment, what if someone had said that because she's supportive of Israel she would be the perfect mate? I think it's bigoted to judge someone based on her religious or political beliefs, which are always flickering anyway. I was a militant atheist myself just a few

What do you mean by the punchline is not the premise? Did you find some hidden meaning in the description of the 4 hippos?

I meant Jesús Martín Álvarez Hurtado (born 26 August 1981) the Peruvian footballer, obviously. I'm not even baptized, anyway.

I lose with my real name, at least, not unlike Jesus btw :P

…says the guy whose pseudo is Douchechill.

That it's fun to troll bigoted atheists, thank for asking.

Thank God He didn't make you a Muslim, then.

I'm not exactly the most religious person either, but hey, no such thing as bad publicity, right?

Hannibal Lecter is smart, attractive, funny and an atheist. He and Sarah are a match made in Heaven, so to speak.

Did I try to equate Sarah Silverman with dictators and serial killers? Yes, probably… I mean, that would explain quite a lot of where her popularity came from!

I didn't bring it, I responded to the
OP who insisted that her being an atheist contributed to her perfection as a human being, no less. U're truly desperate, dude, and it shows. Also, if you want to know what I find bigoted, it's people judging other people based on their religious beliefs or their lack thereof, in