Rollo Tomassi

I was Luking for a pun thread to join.

Allow me to introduce my sons, Grand Moff Obi-Wan and Bort.

Was it Prince Rogers Nelson?

Exactly. People pay so little attention to things, and understand so little of what they watch or read that no doubt a significant number of people think the character is named Khaleesi. These are also the type of people who can't see that there's a very real chance that she's going to become a villain before the end

My grandfather went to school with twins named Desire and Delight.

Middle name should be Creed. First name Nicene.

Swollen foot?

I'm going with Orestes and Elektra for my kids.

"He'll drop in the middle of chewing out some m̶i̶d̶l̶e̶v̶e̶l̶ ̶b̶u̶r̶e̶a̶u̶c̶r̶a̶t̶ maid."

It's hard to believe this will be Rabin's last flop

He's a freelancer. I'm sure they'll still publish his stuff occasionally. But this column is done as a regular feature on AVC.

Fuck that! I want something that'll incapacitate him quickly.

That's why I heard so many people yelling, "Sparky! Khmer, boy!"

"What kind of cat is that?"
"Oh, it's an Angkora."

I've been to Angkor Wat, and didn't see any cats or drunken English students, but maybe I was there on an off day.

I couldn't make it through the first video. I'm really getting tired of generic music cues that are meant to imply profundity. It's an island with a lot of cats, not Angkor Wat.

Come is less Röhm and more Papen. Actually, probably not even that, since he never really intended to get Trump put in power anyway. Papen enabled Hitler under the mistake assumption that he'd be easily controlled. Comey enabled Trump under the mistaken impression that it wouldn't be enough to swing the election his

Well, it will be an Enemy of the People.

He was offered a chance to go home early, but refused.

Whoever is the worst possible person for the job. Maybe the Milwaukee police chief.