Rollo Tomassi

Oh, I live in Springfield but I work closer to Shelbyville, so that's where most of my coworkers are from.

It probably started at least a decade ago.

For me, it's not so much "What do they like?" as "Do they like anything?" I have a much harder time enjoying someone's company when they just aren't into music or movies or whatever. Now that nobody has a physical music collection this doesn't really work, but I used to use a someone who only owned like eight CDs as

I should really revisit Rushmore. I didn't care for it much when I first saw it, and a lot of that was probably because I had no sympathy for Max. Maybe that was the point, though.

As I've gotten older, I've lost interest in newer music. There's a little bit from the last few years that I still like, but not very much. I'm OK with it though, for the most part. But I'm not just listening to what I listened to in high school or my early twenties. In fact, I'm mostly listening to stuff that came

I really liked Liefeld's early work, which came out when I was around twelve. He was different and unique, and, in spite of a few glaring flaws, was doing genuinely interesting things. As he got more popular, he obviously saw what it was that people liked about his work and decided to basically do more of that.

Well, it's not like that undercurrent wasn't present just a tiny bit. All you did was amplify it.

My friends had to leave my girlfriend's birthday party early to make it to that show. Glad to hear it was good. That probably means they enjoyed themselves.

When I was a kid I'd watch Bozo pretty regularly. I had no idea that WGN was a Chicago station. I mean, I understood that some TV stations changed when you moved to a new place and some were the same everywhere, but WGN had call letters and aired commercials and wasn't on my TV in the last place I'd lived, so I

A Bruceing defeat!

Couldn't "Avenged Sevenfold" be a way to describe having your ass kicked by seven Avengers?

I'm pretty happy about the "Roscoe's Chicken and Waffles" T-shirt I found on for five bucks.

"Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, do these really look like today's 𝘣𝘦𝘴𝘵 deals?"

I think you meant, "Well done ladd, well done."

I think the Republican version is called Russian Democracy.

Not to mention the 193 Democrats who couldn't be convinced to vote in favor of killing poor people.

Me too, although I had intuited that it was a band and not an individual.

I guess Paul Ryan just learned that with great power comes great responsibility.

Maybe they have big families.