Rollo Tomassi

Hey, I always appreciated her. I mean, I definitely do a little more than I did before, but who doesn't?

Well, he didn't. I'd have loved if he did, though, just so we could gauge exactly how hated it is.

While the administration is rated "fiasco," the campaign gets a "secret success."

Clinton was overconfident, but at least she had a plurality of the actual votes.

I didn't know that you were an AV Club commenter, Your Highness.

It helps that they probably did this while they were on the clock, and without their boss telling them to get back to work.

Hey, we still haven't determined if it's a slow decline or not.

OK let's see:
1976: Taxi Driver

Nobody said they were dealing with it perfectly.

"I happen to know that 3 million Chechens voted illegally in the election."

Their GDP is completely dependent on the price of oil. That doesn't bode well for future political stability.

Was Yeltsin particularly corrupt? Incompetent to some extent and certainly a drunk, but I don't know how corrupt he was personally.

The sudden collapse was definitely bad for the Russian psyche. A slow and gradual collapse is much easier to adjust to. Ask any Brit.

Are you forgetting where you are?

That's too bad. I had another pun gestating.

Let's not praise it prematurely.

I like your sense of humor. Very camp.

People complain a lot about the AV Club mixing political content with pop culture content. I think a separate section might be a good Final Solution to that problem.

Did you know that the grand prize at the Venice Film Festival used to be called The Mussolini Cup? I'm totally serious.

Nonsense words in place of lyrics are a new thing? That would be news to Paul McCartney.