General Mayhem


You should see the rubber mat in my P71. Or not, depending if you’ve just eaten. It’s pretty gross :P .

I prefer Ferds.

Sounds good to me, I like bikers :) .

Whatta mean, they aren’t? Dammit...

So? I’m far more likely to be hit by lightning or taken out by a red light runner while on my motorcycle than I am by a nuke. Cut the idiotic fearmongering shit, OK? It’s making you look bad.

Good eye!

Nice to see there’s someone else out there that shares my seething hatred of RX’s.

Your state’s seriously fucked up.

Same here.

I hear ya... :(

“Some people don’t can’t learn. FIFY.

We here at my work (I’m in the Ford parts business) deal with a Russian guy that buys wrecked Lincolns and puts them back together, and based on my impressions of the man not very well...

Back in ‘08 I broadsided an RX, the dimwit behind the wheel decided to pull a U turn from a parking space without looking. Although totaled I drove my Grand Marquis home, her RX needed a stretcher...

Sure seems that way.

When you ride a motorcycle you DEFINITELY do just that!

I ride a motorcycle so my head is on a swivel, even when I’m in my car. Blessed with very good reflexes too. So far (knocking vigorously on wood) I’ve never been hit by a red light runner. Had some damn close calls, though...

Pssst... I’ll let you in on a secret... he was being sarcastic, mkay? Don’t tell anyone.

I so hate red light cameras... BUT...I hate red light runners even more. I have a nice, easy 5 mile commute and go through 5 intersections with traffic lights. If I had a dollar for every red light runner I see on a daily basis... sadly, that would be a lot of dollars.

If I ever get the chance to drive one I will but they’re pretty damn thin on the ground here in n.e. Ohio I’m sad to say. Love the little buggers :) .