General Mayhem

Who is he and did he piss in your Cherrios?

The Devil drives a ‘58 Fury. Duh.

Moochie Welch took a pic of the Devil’s ride right before his untimely demise:

Sounds legit.

How very Florida...

I may not need them, but I sure want them. Mmmmmm, tasty!

I will!

Watch it mister, I’m a card-carrying member of PETA... People for the Eating of Tasty Animals :) .

Does anyone actually give a shit what this loser has to say? Hell, until this story I didn’t even know Morrissey was a guy... seriously. Never heard any of his music either. Seriously.

Don’t be rippin’ on Slayer. Beats the living f*** out of most ‘80s garbage like WHAM or Aha or Duran Duran.

I’ll bet it’s beautiful in my beat-up ex-cop car Crown Vic, too :) .

Should have rented a Caliber.

Reminds me of a Little Tykes kiddie car.

I think you’re on to something!

Needs a bigger mailbox for that purpose...

I like Mustangs. A lot. Especially Fox Mustangs. Kill this, please. With fire, preferably. It’s that bad. 

A 1.8L in an Assfire? OK, I can see that :) .

You win.

The Asfire was a turd compared to the Festiva. We had far more warranty issues with them that we ever did with Festivas.

Back in ‘99 I rented a ‘95 Contour from a small independent rental agency in Vegas, what a pile. Didn’t break down or anything but it was thoroughly thrashed. Swore that car was going to shake itself to pieces. Rattled, squeaked, buzzed, you name the noise it made it.