General Mayhem

Wrong... I specifically mentioned the XJ... NOT the current ugly-as-sin turdpile. JEEP EX-JAY... get it? JEEP EX-JAY. Which in your earlier post you proclaimed it a CUV due to it being unitized. Stop backtracking, it’s making you look bad.

I specifically said XJ in my first post which you refuted. Nice backtrack, fella.


I want one of those SOOOOO badly...

Have you driven a Nissan NV200? Imagine a Versa in a large cardboard box...

Drive a Nissan NV200/Chevy City Express... then you’ll be singing the praises of the Transit Connect. The NV200 is that bad. Seriously.

Uh, yea, and they selling like freakin’ MAD!

First thing that came to my mind :) !!!

I bow in the presence of such greatness! All the stars for you!

Rolling poetry, IMHO.

Give it up already, you’re wrong. Tilting at windmills never works out well.

The Jeep XJ would like a little word with you...

Take over America? LOL! From what I’m seeing in Subaru service departments they’ll be lucky to give away their crap in a few short years.

Too distracting. I’d spend too much time staring at that wheel than doing more important things like watching where I’m going...



That ought to be good for a few laughs!

Used to be that way back in the day, hell, way back when the headend crew consisted of three people: engineer, fireman, and head brakeman. Even well into the diesel era freight and passenger trains had firemen in the cab! Their job? To occupy an otherwise empty seat...

“Or, maybe not put a heart-attack-waiting-to-happen in control of people’s lives” Sadly, there would be much whining about “mah rights” being violated. Because ‘Murica. And lawyers.

Love this guy! F--- you, you whiney self-centered douchenozzles!