
Lets face it. The black community has fared far better under Republican administrations than Democrat. Conservative economic policies work. “Progressive”/socialist policies have failed wherever they have been tried. Black America is better off under Trump than under any other POTUS to date.

Air pollution is not a crisis. It has already been reduced by more than 99% in the USA over the last 50 years, and is still going down. Too bad other countries are not following suit. Our own air is being polluted by the discharges from other countries. By the way, the cover photo does not show pollution. The plumes

I agree. But I still think most cops are good people, and I would not feel safe without them. But the bad apples have to go.

This is real progress. Too bad the exposure had to come from Antifa, which is a real terrorist organization.

Did you have to mix your valid points in with racism?

Hillary was the one colluding with the Russians. That is incontrovertible fact.

Do you ever tire of lying?

What journalists? CNN does not have any. All they have are political pundits.

I have not been to Howard, though I sent my son to a different HBCU. What I would ask is, Does Howard have any written policy and signs posted prohibiting dogs on campus? Most open-air land areas are open to the use of dogs as long as people clean up after them. And, by the way, to even suggest that “caucasity” is a

Are you going to finish your sentence? So dumb that what?

I have never heard Ingraham say anything that could logically be construed as racist. But in your world, any time a white person criticizes a black person for any reason, he or she must be a racist. Fortunately, most of us are more rational than that. BTW, Ingraham’s view on immigration is about what Obama’s was in

The entire investigation was a fraud on the FISA court, and it was also staffed by a bunch of partisan liars. Most of them should be indicted. And, BTW, Trump is a whole lot smarter than you are.

Because you are a racist.

Those cops have way too much time on their hands.

Loss of major human achievements is a tragedy, no matter what culture created them.

Ditto. I thank you, too.

I guess I have to remind you that Flint, MI is run by Democrats. It has been for a long time. And, BTW, Flint DOES have white people living there. So does Puerto Rico, which, again, BTW, got massive amounts of Federal aid following the hurricane. I might also point out that Paris  has 22.5% black population, more than

Well, I hope he makes amends on that.

I agree. Black churches are houses of God, too.

Pure BS on your part.