I hope you also celebrate black Republican women in politics.
I hope you also celebrate black Republican women in politics.
I hope NYPD does a thorough investigation and does the right thing.
This is sounding more and more like a hoax. Same as the Covington Catholic false news about the boys harassing an Indian, who turned out to be harassing them, and who was guilty of stolen valor. (He never went to Vietnam).
It makes no sense to call Obama our “Forever President”. His record was an unmitigated disaster. Yes, it was good that racial relations have improved enough so that a (half) black POTUS could be elected. But I would have preferred to wait for a competent, conservative black POTUS.
Thank you for doing the research. Too bad most of the editors of The Root will not.
I note that the bill was inspired by an executive order from Trump. I also note that the sponsorship is completely bipartisan. So much for Republicans being the party of racism. This is personal to me, as I sent my son to an HBCU.
There is irony here. The very flag we pledge allegiance to stands for a nation conceived in freedom, and that freedom includes free speech. The boy has the right to refuse to recite the pledge, and should never have been arrested for that, though perhaps for other things. That having been said, someone needs to…
In my experience, conservatives are much less likely to be racist than liberals. The reason is that conservatives actually use their heads. They think rationally. And it is not rational to ascribe a person’s worth or attributes to race. Liberals, on the other hand, are all about emotion. That includes love, hate and…
Best advice: sit back and wait to see what develops, instead of jumping to conclusions in either direction.
Not really relevant to the argument he is making. While you may claim that reverse discrimination is justified due to past discrimination, the law does not permit it.
While I laud the goals of CODE and similar groups, I think Perry has a legitimate point when he claims they are a discriminatory use of public funds. I an not sure what the best answer is. Sadly, as usual, your post is full of racism and blatant lies. Try writing a column that is 100% true, and devoid of racism. Don’t…
Those Southern senators were Democrats.
I guess I am surprised that it was not already a Federal crime.
Looks like a typo in a racist post.
So, is it smart to oppose lower taxes and higher wages and lower unemployment?
Sounds like The Root staff.
Your premise is that a MAGA hat or banner or whatever is racist is a false premise. However, Disney has the right to make its own rules for its parks. Now lets see if they ban someone for a Green New deal shirt or any banner that supports liberal causes.
I know that reference! :)
You are a racist pig.
Ditto on Octavia.