
I was being a bit dramatic, obviously, pissed off with myself mostly. It's just that I think, as I grow older, I'm still interested in discovering new music but not with that same hunger that I had when I was in my early 20's. I don't know, I listen to a lot of stuff but it gets harder to find something that "blows my

Obviously I came here already knowing that I wouldn't know half of these bands/artists and that always pisses me off but not even ONE! Am I close to becoming the old man yelling at kids to get off my lawn? Oh for fuck's sake.

Ok but c'mon, everybody was still too busy with GTA, Bloodborne and Witcher 3 to bother with Fallout at that point

No Fallout 4 huh? Not surprised. I spent the last 3 months playing it and well…no one can deny that it's an incredibly well produced AAA game and that it can be fun. But…I don't know, something was missing. Maybe the story? I honestly didn't care that much about finding my long lost son and I also felt that, although

I know mine's not a popular opinion but Marvel has been pandering too much to SJW's, pretty much destroyed the X-Men, keeps shoving the Inhumans down our throats and doesn't know what to do with the Avengers since Hickman left.

I should have mentioned that Spider-Man/Deadpool has also been pretty great, except for the last 2 issues. Love Comedy Bang Bang but couldn't get into Scott Aukerman's issue.

Bro I feel ya, that's why meth is better than coke. You can deal with the available pussy AND still write a whole script in one day.

I mean honestly…a whole episode consisting of Julie trying to find a war veteran to rub it on her frenemy's face and Billy converting the restaurant where he works as a waiter into a Children's Menu? And then we have Fred Armisen dressed as Frank Sinatra in On The Town pretending to be a veteran and no one bats an

Journalists who are EXACTLY like Billy and Julie's characters, which makes them insufferable people with great jobs

What about Miller's All Star Batman & Robin??? Batman almost on the verge of abusing Robin? Batman and Black Canary having sex in costume?? THAT's your next movie right there!

True but each issue is just so damn good that I don't even care.

I can totally imagine this song being part of the end credits for a Kevin Smith/Kevin Hart film

Intersex huh? I'm really getting old

Astro City is indeed amazing

Nope nope nope. There's absolutely no consistency to his writing there and there was barely a team, the "team" was disbanded after 6 issues or so and he came up with that ridiculous American Kaiju idea.

Oh God, I came here knowing that, being mostly a fan of the big 3 (Marvel, DC and Image) I'd feel like an uncool mainstream sellout comic book fan, since I never heard of more than half of these mentioned on this article. But I'll put in my 2 cents anyway: Empress is highly overrated. Highly. I bought the first 3

My point is: half of America is about to elect a president because he sounds like them. Rude, uncultured, intolerant, belligerent, aggressive, stubborn, xenophobic. Those people should not want a president like them, they should want someone who's better than them. But for that to happen those people must be aware of

They were wise and intelligent but if you think they knew more about politics than people who, you know, MAKE A LIVING out of it, as in, political analysts, then there's no point arguing with you. I'm not a farmer so I'd never dare claim that I know more about farming than your grandparents.

My grandfather was a blue collar type and he was aware of his own limitations when it came to politics. A blue collar citizen cannot assume he knows more than political analysts. A blue collar citizen should understand that the president should not be like him/her, should be way way way better. A lot of people are

The more I read about this election the more I think meth heads are right. Fuck it all, just get high and have crazy animalistic sex. I'd just brush my teeth more often than them but other than that I think they're onto something.