
As are most children

No it is NOT. Hillary is a bureaucrat, Trump is Hitler. Get your damn facts right.

Worst: dogs. Some children can understand even at a young age that thunders are not to be feared. While dogs, well…they will always hide under the bed even at an old age. That's what a lot of these GOP freaks are: irrational animals incapable of understanding fact, logic and reason.

Yes they have…inside their own homes or their local stinky dive bar.

Question: if you are an adult past the age of 25 do you play with your 3DS out in the open?

What about Michelle Obama's speech? Shivers! I wish she was the Democratic nominee.

That's the one area where girls can't win: glory holes

Ok Trumpboy, hope you have a great time during Idiocracy

I'm a big pop culture fan and a gay man but I cannot stand these two characters. At all. Give me the characters from "Love", "You're The Worst" and "Flaked" any day than these two. Andrea Martin is the only saving grace from this nonsense and the fact that websites such as Vulture and AV Club are singing the praises

I agree but I feel that most Americans care more about what pop cultures have to say than political experts. Larry The Cable Guy probably has more influence than Rachel Maddow.

It doesn't matter does it? I mean…I think it's BEYOND ridiculous that Trump has that woman as his wife and that people would be proud to have her as a first-lady. But they'd rather have a moron wearing the most ridiculous toupee with an Eastern European mail order bride than an "old hag" as president. That's the sad

I just watched John Oliver's last episode where he focused on the GOP convention and wow…I mean…WOW. Satanic is the only word I have to describe it. Actually I think I'm offending Satanists.

I cannot help but feel that if Hillary was 10 years younger than she might have had much a better chance. It hurts to even type this.

I do agree that having only 2 political parties is insane because the amount of politic styles and ideologies is greater than that. I'd be happy with 4 or 5 parties, which is the number of parties in the UK if I'm not mistaken.

I call it as I see it. If people refuse to behave like mature adults and be willing to concede in order to defeat a common enemy well then, what are we supposed to do? Tap them on the back?

What does being resentful will get them at this point? It's the reaction a spoiled child would have

Misery loves company

Oh God if people want Trump to win so badly let them. It will be the most amazing/horrific thing since Nixon. Brexit and Trump, 2 reasons why Russia and China will have some glorious glorious years.

Synths, neon signs and dangerous seedy Manhattan will always be great definitions of cool to me. And Blade Runner and Black Rain.

South Park is terrific. Not every episode is great but fuck, that would be impossible after 20 years. However, the recent "Stan's dad as Lorde" story arc just goes to show that they still find ways to go places no one expects. And the World of Warcraft episode will always makes me laugh.