
I admit I liked the movie when I saw it on the theatre but, just like Titanic before it, is something I never feel like revisiting ever again and I can't even explain why.

I build a natural resistance to anything that causes mass hysteria, including certain sports. Some of my most recent favourite shows have been Baskets, Horace And Pete and Nurse Jackie because even though they are all critically acclaimed I don't get this sense of "watch it or else!!!!" that I get from the likes of

Oh man….Winona as a mom. Am I ready? Are we all?

Mick Fleetwood should have sued them

I'm still resisting The Americans and I don't even know why. Well…it might be for the same reason I've always resisted Game of Thrones and will continue to: because I hate it when people go apeshit when I say that I'm not watching or doing something that the entire globe is. It's the same hate I have for Instagram.

Oh yeah, Genis Vell right? I forgot about him. Still, I'm positive there was no Captain Marvel book in the 90's.

I loved The Circle (which I always remember when I'm watching Silicon Valley) but I fear this will be too Americana for my tastes. I already get that from Jonathan Frazen.

What in the name of Bananarama is that?? Was this a hit in the UK?

It's amazing how uncool Fleetwood Mac was perceived in the 80's. I only discovered them with their comeback live album, "The Dance", and to me they only lost their cool factor with the release of "Seven Wonders". I still love that song, as I love everything about them, but you watch that video and yeah, cool would be

I don't believe DC will ever go back on that decision. The Time-Warner corporate clowns probably enforced that on them.

That can't be right. Before Kelly Sue Deconnick's Captain Marvel series a few years ago there was no book published by Marvel with that title since the 80's.

Captain Marvel (Shazam) was not originally from DC, he was from a publisher called Fawcett Comics, which was bought by DC later. He was actually the original one, Marvel came up with their version, the alien Captain Mar-Vell, afterwards. After DC's reboot with the New 52 they decided to ditch the name forever and now

I hate to say it but this is gonna be a tough one. I was a big fan of Carol Danvers' as Ms. Marvel but ever since her "upgrade" to Captain she became this sort of drill sergeant. I've given her books a try but I really couldn't get into it. So I have no idea what direction they'll take with her for the movie but I

I don't even watch the show but I cannot get excited for seeing Ghost Rider portrayed under TV's CGI budget. It's just not gonna look that good

All I can say is: life is messy. Sex is messy. Love is messy. We are messy. We can be the most selfless loving understanding person one moment and a complete prick the next. But look on the bright side: at least you are aware of it and it bothers you. That's the first step.

RECON and BIL are great examples of how we unnecessarily create problems for ourselves. Why can't RECON mind his own damn business? Doesn't he have his own problems to deal with? And I can understand how the idea of letting your sister's husband suck your dick can be quite hot but you know…there's no shortage of dicks

Sometimes I think that an utter lack of self-awareness is more dangerous than guns

I don't say low energy like it's a bad thing. I think she's very smart and funny but I don't think her style of comedy is for me. I say "low energy" when compared to the likes of Colbert (the character), Stewart and Oliver.

Meh, Trevor Noah. He can't even convince me he's interested in all of this, it's a job to him, a way to make millions. He couldn't care less.

It's pathetic how people direct their negativity towards the Chewbacca Mom when in fact: a) She just posted a video. That's all. b) The idiots with nothing better to do than watch Youtube videos all day are the ones who made it viral. c) the desperate-for-clicks media hounded her and put her on tv shows. d) JJ Abrams