
I consider it an indie drama, I don't know. I liked it but I don't remember laughing. Same for Frances Ha.

Oh man yes, Sideways is brilliant

I approve this list but I'd have put The 40 Year Old Virgin and Knocked Up higher. And I really don't consider Adaptation and Obvious Child comedies.

Am I the only one who's getting a bit annoyed by the constant barrage of news and teasers about this film? This is probably the 15th Jared Leto Joker story I've read and the movie has released, so far, about 20 different posters. I don't think they're gonna get my money.

So how does it work? Does the game randomly position the Pokemon models around the player's area? If that's the case I can imagine that some Pokemons would appear in impossible places to reach such as inside someone's house or on top of a skyscraper.

That's what gay men do and guess what? It doesn't work, they keep wanting more

Vanity Fair does not though

So do you think those journalists are just literally writing with their dicks with complete disregard for their readers? Wow. Something to think about. It feels so stupid.

This would all be fine and dandy. However…how many straight men actually read Vanity Fair? So, in this case, who's this piece about Margot Robbie's body and sensuality is aimed at?

She's probably the only person who bought his Timbaland album and liked it

Sure, pick the most asexual character to be the gay one. That's easy. Wake me up when someone has the balls to make Chris Pine's character gay.

I'll wait for the X-rated version on Pornhub

I'd totally watch this…if it wasn't for Zac Effron. One of the most punchable faces in showbusiness.

He did give us that peal of wisdom, "It's all about the he said/she said bullshit"

That Britney Spears' Rolling Stone cover, the jailbait one where she's clutching a teletubby, was way hotter

I just came here to say that I've just finished this season and it was like poetry. Beautiful, messy, slapstick poetry. No wonder it's from the mad genius of Louis CK. The entire cast is terrific. Terrific. And Louie Anderson is just amazing. I cannot wait to see where Chip ended up after hopping on that train, if

"Scott Stapp and the misunderstood brilliance of With Arms Wide Open"

Next on FYC: "The mad genius of Chad Kroeger and why he doesn't deserve our contempt"

Diddy and Timbaland, another examples of great rappers

Man I loved Bat Country and M. Shadows looked genuinely insane, which was great