
I agree but IT IS a valid argument. Who liked John Kerry back when George Bush Jr. was fighting for re-election? I mean, really? But he was a better choice. Yes, this isn't over even if she wins the election, I totally agree. The next president has to appeal to the working class. Period.

Oh fuck I live in London and I'm not English, what do you expect?

It's so funny that Britain decided to leave the EU, mainly because of Germany's influence, when the truth is that most English people are descendants from Germanic tribes that migrated to this island.

Yes but do they know that? They don't.

Of course the Tories hate the working class, that goes for the entire world. I look forward to the days when the working class will be replaced by AI. Problem solved.

Regardless of what you think of Hillary are you actually willing to support Trump? Do you want to see your country burn to the ground? Do you want a World War 3?

I'm not Pro-Trump in any way, not on this lifetime. All I'm saying is that we need to try to understand the working class' point of view. Labelling them as xenophobes and racists is obviously not working.

I don't think so. Switzerland voted against the universal income and I think it would have benefitted the country immensely. The working class is not fit to vote on big issues aside from general elections, that's my point of view.

Hitler was a fan of referendums, that's all we need to know. If I hire a plumber do I have a say on how he should do his job? Maybe, if I know something about it, but if I don't then I have to trust him. It's the same with politics…it's wrong to give the working class a say on things that they have absolutely no clue

I did not ignore your point. All I'm saying is that it's wrong to underestimate the working class anger, including minorities. Trump could very well become president.

Just look at Brexit: it was won by 51% vs 49%. Many people simply despise Hillary, including women. Honestly, after Brexit, all bets are off. The world became uncertain.

Yes, I know. How depressing.

I do think those things are related, "new agey" as they might be. I mean…what do you call the whole Democrats x Republicans fight? It's basically Old x New. That's what it is, extrapolated to infinity. Young people shout "No borders, no prejudice" and old people shout "Let's go back to the way things were".

I'll say this: blame companies for outsourcing. The working class feels shafted due to corporations putting their factories and offices outside of their home countries to minimise costs. Economic Globalisation. That's the reason for Brexit, more than immigration.

But don't they have a point? All multinationals and corporations decided to outsource and that is the biggest gripe the working class have. I cannot disagree with it.

On one hand I think Brexit was good because it showed politicians all over the world to not underestimate the working class anger…almost like a 2016 French Revolution. On the other hand, I think Brexit was bad because it showed that anger trumps reason.

You may have a point. Traditions are hard to break…Louis CK's "Horace and Pete" was a testament to that. Some people love change, some people hate it. There's a balance to the world and when that shifts people get so scared that they make rash decisions. I mean…gay marriage is being approved all over the world and

Tell that to the 300,000 Brits living in Spain

But that's the thing. The number one reason why they're voting for him is this whole "He can't be bought by Washington bureaucrats". The Mexico wall is not the main reason (maybe in Texas), the main reason is that he is an outsider. The same reason Reagan became president and the same reason Sarah Paiin was popular.

Whenever I see Trump supporters the only thing that I can think of is that Michael Caine line from The Dark Knight: "Some people just want to see the world burn"