
Ok AV Club. I like snark as much as the next guy but THIS is the Brexit news you choose? Is this Perez Hilton now?

Canada man. Ca. Na. Da.

Trump couldn't fix a flat tire. If he becomes president…and, honestly, I think it might happen…then it's Idiocracy. Mike Judge will be revered as a God.

Bowie was right in leaving before this. Hell, he left way before it since he lived in NY but you get my point. And let's not forget that he refused knighthood.

On the upside, Brexit will be good for English rock, since loads of young people are angry.

Yes, exactly, no wonder Trump said that Brexit was good for Britain. But what Brexit showed was that it is wrong to label the entire working class as racists or xenophobes. Some of them have reasons to be afraid and politicians simply disregard it because they feel that the little guy can't hurt them. But it's the

You know what? I seriously feel that the time has come for massive immigration from unskilled immigrants. The British are not complaining about the Italians, the French, the Spanish, the Portuguese…no, they are complaining about the Polish, the Romanians and the Bulgarians because the vast majority of those that come

Well he is cute and he is available (i.e. cheap), two of the only qualities that matter for Ryan Murphy when it comes to hiring male actors.

Yeah but if you ask me it's not a good marketing strategy

Isn't that how democracy works though? We often end up voting for someone we don't like? It's not like we get to say "Ok, scratch that, we want new candidates".
Also, the EU and the UK are hardly alone on this. America is just as divided because of Trump and a lot of other countries are also facing internal struggles

Regardless of how you feel about Cameron or Brussels…would you really be ready to follow those 3 Stooges, Farage, Gove and Johnson? That's the main reason I voted IN.

I bet there's gonna be a blue-skinned woman saying Silencio. I'd pee my pants.

It is. The direction of the Inhumans books is zero, they created dozens of new Inhumans that no one cares about instead of focusing on the core characters and also feature them constantly on all the other books. I don't know if it was Disney who decided on this or not but the whole thing smells of desperation to try

Marvel should just give up on this aggressive Inhumans push. Really bad decision, right up there with Spider-Man's deal with the devil.

I think they both do it really well but I tend to laugh more with Oliver. Maybe it's the British sense of humor.

I've read some interviews with Idris Elba and he always comes across as an egomaniacal alpha-male douche

Should we start giving them codenames?

Kramer's worst nightmare finally comes to life

God season 7 was really atrocious, thank God for Katya and Ginger

Willam is probably too busy hunting for black men in Compton