
Upvoted for the shade, Bianca Del Rio style

Coco, Roxxxy and Phi Phi ugh…I guess they needed villains. But can't wait to see Alaska, Adore, Katya and Ginger

Thumper looks like the coolest thing in the world

Maybe I'm just too cynical but the whole thing with Tony Bennet seemed incredibly contrived…a PR attempt to spin her public image and show what a serious artist she really is underneath all the insane dresses. These days, every time I look at Gaga, from pap pictures to the Oscars performance and the Golden Globe win,

Oh man DON'T EVEN mention Hedwig to me. John Cameron Mitchell himself actually performed in it for a few weeks and obviously I couldn't see it. It's my favourite musical of all time.

I think those are all fair comparisons. They are pop stars vehicles and none of them were, or became, actresses.
And yeah, I'm glad we both agree on this. Born This Way rubbed me the wrong way completely…Gaga was highly pretentious about it (and the less said about Artpop the better) treating the title song as this

I was a big fan of Fame Monster (and that's it) but I honestly don't feel she has the necessary vulnerability to play a role like this. Just look at that picture at the top! Barbra Streisand had a sweetness that doesn't come so easily for Gaga.
And I mean c'mon…have you watched Glitter on tv? Spiceworld is better.

I agree, maybe producers are still tied to the mindset that if people can purchase the blu-ray or watch it online then they won't bother to see the play live but that's nonsense. I've watched parts of the original production of Spamalot on Youtube and I'd definitely go watch it live if I could. Shame that it will

Yeah man buns are also very risky but I've seen some guys using it and it didn't look bad. Ponytails though…not even a rockstar can pull it off.

Ponytails in a man are one of my pet-peeves so his relentless charm fails on me

I'm gonna go crawl back to my rock now, please let me know when this is over

It's sort of easy to make production and directorial decisions about a movie like this, from costume design to overall tone: "OK so…what would be the most ridiculous obvious choice in this situation? Right, then go for it"

Haven't heard it yet but I think trying to go for a 70's sound seem like a right fit for them. By The Way and Stadium Arcadium were great albums btw.

If I was looking to completely annihilate my social life and gain a few extra pounds I'd go for Final Fantasy XV . But it would be totally worth it.

This smells like another "Glitter". Lady Gaga may be a very good singer but she doesn't have the necessary charisma or acting chops to star in something of this nature.

Marvel, baby, could you please stop shoving the Inhumans down my throat? I'm aware you want to build a fanbase for the movie, and hopefully create your cinematic version of Fox's X-Men…but it's just not gonna work out, I'm sorry. It was fun while it lasted.

In this case it's her mom who's the smart one there

Fastball's "The Way" is better than their entire discography

"Making something of themselves" in an almost criminal way. No, I cannot see anything positive in this woman or her success and her claims to promote "body positivity" and "female empowerment" are all bullshit platitudes fabricated by her very competent PR team.
The message that she's sending out there for young girls

Brilliant, and depressing, article. Even more depressing: I've been very vocal about Kim Kardashian and she represents a social low point and I had people saying "You think she's dumb? No man, she's really smart, look at how much money she made".
I don't think people understand what "smart" means.