
Who's surprised that this sequel was bad? That doesn't necessarily stop audiences, God knows how many bad films become hits. The real problem is that people have fell out of love with Ben Stiller. I can't exactly pinpoint when it happened…I'm gonna guess The Heartbreak Kid. More sophisticated audiences will prefer a

"I don't need friends, I need fans".

We're The Millers was a good comedy, especially when you take into consideration how low the bar has been set for big screen comedies obsessed with penis, gay and scatological jokes

I'm not a fanboy trolling around Twitter (and I'm certainly not oily) but God, do I relate to some of the traits in Abe…Solondz is brutal

This sounds like a Mark Millar OGN

I used to be, not anymore. I'll still watch the odd episode here and there but I prefer Rick & Morty, Bojack Horseman and Bob's Burgers these days. The last season of South Park was great as well.

Are you by any chance also a fan of Nickelback, Adam Sandler and the Transformers franchise?

I can relate to the AVC's antipathy. Was a big fan of Family Guy but always loathed American Dad. Maybe it's ***that*** song? Or that alien Stewie-knockoff? I'm always impressed by the existence of a fanbase.

Oy this again. For some reason the Adult Swim division at CN doesn't strike me as sexist as, let's say, a major Hollywood studio. Maybe they women are just not that interested in working there? It's a very niche thing, let's be honest.

Lame Debbie Downer attempt

I don't know about this one but Alison Brie was AMAZING in "Sleeping With Other People" and I still cannot understand why that movie wasn't more successful when it was released. It was the quintessential modern rom-com and that scene where she dances to "Modern Love" while high on molly is already one for the books.

Well yeah, I definitely wouldn't want Thames water in my mouth, but it's still impressive for a river located in one of the biggest cities in the world.

I'm always impressed by the fact that England was able to depollute the Thames completely. Mind you, if you look at it it doesn't look clean, but it definitely doesn't smell. Meanwhile the Brazilians have been unable to depollute their waters for the Olympics. I feel for the sailing teams.

Dragon Age: Inquisition to me will always be the game where your main character can bottom for someone called The Iron Bull.

I'm still on Fallout 4. You could say I'm enjoying it a bit more…perhaps. I'm going for a stealth play now…it sure is fun to see those Super Mutants getting evaporated with my plasma rifle at a distance. And the Silver Shroud quest was indeed fun. Oh well, maybe I should accept that I'me enjoying it. Also: killing

Pfff…like he could beat a black guy down

They never knew how to do proper snark…like the AV Club.

If only the X-Men knew how catty Pixie really is…


And they didn't even bother to release a video for it. I remember being so pissed off at this since I was a major MTV fan at the time.