
My favourite pastime is reading D reviews. Beats PS4

I still cannot understand the amount of hate this trailer received. This gets hate but ANY Adam Sandler film gets a pass?

Absolutely nothing. Vinyl is the way to go

The only takedown will be his eventual loss to Hilary. But until that happens…there will be a lot more Drumpf to endure. I predict the HuffPo and The Daily Beast will have an amazing year.

Aah an AV Club review that focuses on bad racial jokes. Those makes for the "best" comments sections. And here I was hoping to laugh a bit on Sunday. Off to watch a rerun of Parks & Rec then.

Bigmouth strikes again

Shit like this is why The Witch has become so popular, just for daring to be different

I disagree, not even Marvel could predict the success of Ms. Marvel. Proof of that is that they just canceled Black Knight, a book that had a lot of expectation surrounding it, after 4 issues. Why? Because it just wasn't finding an audience. I think Midnighter unfortunately is not resonating with most people (me

My main problem with this book is that Midnighter doesn't seem to have a clear purpose or mission. There are tons of comic books out there and when introducing a new character (in a way, since he's still not that high profile yet) you really have to work hard to make it stand out in the crowd. Ms. Marvel managed to do

Exactly! It's still my all-time favourite tv show ever but that was a low-point and it ruined Nate's character. I hated Lisa with a passion.

Did I say they have to change their behaviour? I just said that Hollywood is a business just like any other and they only care about profits. "Vote with your wallet", isn't that the rule of capitalism? Btw I say "black people" the same way I can say "white people". Yes, gross generalisations but I'm not exactly

Which is exactly the current criticism aimed towards The Help but fuck it, it's not a bad movie at all unless you dislike "chick flicks". Octavia Spencer deservedly won the Oscars and seemed genuinely thankful and elated to have won it so I cannot help but try to defend it. I would love to see her engaging in a

Fine but then that poses a problem doesn't it? Black people complain that Hollywood only gives them meaningful parts if it has to do with slavery or persecution. Then some interesting and creative movies starring black people are released and most don't break even. Regardless of any criticism that Chi-Raq received,

I've been finding it harder and harder to be a 35 year old white man, who doesn't work in the music business, and still listen to rap/hip-hop like I used to. There's too much anger in most of it, how can I relate?

I'm still reading it but I understand your point: the comic has definitely lost some of its tension and momentum now that Rick and the survivors all live in a functioning gated community. I actually feel that if it was up to Kirkman he would have ended the book already but it's such a gigantic cash cow that I cannot

I don't think mine counts but I had a lot of mixed feelings when Nate died at the end of Six Feet Under. The show was over and obviously his death made perfect sense within the show's premise…and also it seemed that the writers didn't quite know what to do with him after Lisa's disappearance. Still…it took me a while

I still wanna watch it despite Leslie Jones, who looks and sounds like a ill-conceived parody of the angry black woman stereotype.

I meant specifically Indians and British-Indians living in the UK. If they do feel some anger or resentment they do it in silence, you just never hear anything about it.

I was gonna say religion but I thought it might have been an overly simplistic answer. I think you are right and it's also interesting to see that Indian food has become the UK's food of choice (British cuisine being incredibly bland might also have something to do with that).

I also found the entire Oscars outrage a non-issue and it might do more harm than good for any black person nominated from now on because audiences and the media will raise the question "Did he/she deserve it or was it a guilt-driven nomination?"