
Sorry, didn't mean to gloss over at all and I did say they suffered and I know Natives were almost wiped out of existence by whites. I just feel that, generally speaking, there's this perception that Natives were never the recipient of the irrational anger and violence that has always been geared towards black people

True but why not with Indians then?

Agreed but I think the choice of arguing specifically for black people instead of other minorities has more to do with society's own guilt and compensation mechanism. Black people suffered more than any other ethnic group in America so there's this huge and everlasting push to compensate for that. Native-Americans did

A lot of actors essentially play themselves so that's not really the issue.

What I've been wondering is this: why aren't black people spending money to see movies like Dear White People and Chi-Raq? People complain about lack of representation but, as we all know, we vote with our wallets. Then this happens and movie execs go "See? Those films don't make money".

"You can be anything you want to…except a celebrity. No, you are not going to be Beyonce or Steve Jobs, forget it"

I love Tina Fey but it seems that she has a difficult time translating her tv comedic genius to the big screen, as exemplified by Date Night, This Is Where I Leave You and Sisters. It's a shame really, I honestly feel that she's the best female comedian of her generation.


Kudos for trolling the entire internet but I still can't find it in myself to care

I'm shocked that serious journalists still submit articles to Slate. I stopped reading it years ago because of its incessant and ridiculous click-bait pieces. Most of them contained the notorious "This is hurting America and here's why". These headlines should be banned from the world of journalism.

Maybe he realised he doesn't have all the time in the world or maybe he's feeling more creative now than when he was younger.

Great review. I saw The Tree of Life and, even though I appreciated its dream-like aesthetics and its message about one's perception of the past and memories and how short life is (or how we feel it is), it didn't affect me emotionally, perhaps because I was still in my late 20's. Anyone can appreciate its incredible

"Zootopia is a place where “anyone can be anything”

You're right, either those damn avatars are really small or I need glasses

Who the hell likes Eddie Redmayne? And it's not because he's a ginger, trust me

It's so trendy and cool to complain about Marvel these days…yuck, how many superhero movies one needs right?? Enough already! Gimme more Paul Blart or Pixels or The Danish Girl or Let's Be Cops or Transformers or 50 Shades of Grey than another ridiculous and silly superhero movie

I noticed that as well…but I was kind of expecting it, the media was so relentless about the lack of black people (not Asians or Hispanics though) that the Academy would do everything they could to address that, ad nauseum. I still maintain that Idris Elba wasn't nominated because a) Netflix and b) tough subject to

I agree with you, I just meant to say that nominated songs constantly get the shaft during the telecast. On some editions none of the songs were performed at all because the producer simply didn't think they'd be entertaining enough

Because you commented about him perhaps?

He might not be stupid but he's generally disliked in Hollywood…there are many articles on Google about this and some Academy voters would prefer to vote on anyone else than him. Same reason Burt Reynolds didn't win for Boogie Nights or Eddie Murphy didn't win for Dreamgirls