
Once you go Six Feet Under you can't go back to NCIS

Procedural shows are the place where acting and scriptwriting go to die

I think you're expecting too much from Marvel back in the day. How many good representation of black characters there were in other mediums such as TV or movies back in the 60's or 70's? And foreign stereotypes were common all over the place…at least Marvel was trying something new, compared to DC. Storm is one of

No I did not, wow! Thanks, had no idea it was a cover

As Bowie would say: "Pablo Picasso was never called an asshole…not like you"

There are few things in life as soul-crushing as seeing once-hunky rockstars as old men

I agree but this happens even with guys. Remember Kid Rock's acoustic duet with Sheryl Crow, "Picture"? Part of the popularity was that it showcased his "maturity" (which never existed in the first place)

A B- for this makes me question everything about the AV Club

I never liked women with short hair, not even Demi Moore on Ghost

I was never into tomboys and the ending rubs me off the wrong way just slightly, even though I know it's how it should end anyway

Great list (a rom-com list with no Kate Hudson or Jennifer Lopez vehicles IS a great list) and loved seeing Just Friends there. People may deride rom-com's but managing to actually balance both genres perfectly well is not easy at all.

This is a Western-centric website so shut it

Yeah yeah yeah his looks was inspired by Deathstroke, so what? 90% of Image's initial characters were lazy variations of 4 heroes: Wolverine, Deathstroke, Jubilee and Psylocke. That includes Cyberforce, WildCATS, Gen13, Stormwatch, etc.

He's trolling, even he couldn't be this stupid. And if he's not then his PR people should do the same as Adele's and prevent him from using Twitter

Do you work for her or something?

Seth Rogen was great in Steve Jobs and Will Ferrell was terrific in Stranger Than Fiction, I don't know where that comes from

The problem is that he's a "nice alpha male" type and most people who are superhero or comic book fans are not alpha males. At least Batman is tortured and a bit on the crazy side and he's never ever happy. Spider-Man is the most popular, and will continue to be the most popular, because he's pretty much every comic

Lars Von Who? Pfff….David Lynch has been doing this for years and no one has come even close to his insane demented levels of "neurothrillers" (awful, awful word).

Couldn't have said it better myself. I really liked her Fame Monster album but was disappointed with Born This Way (pretentious and overblown) and Artpop (just pretentious and vapid). And her incredibly melodramatic speech during her win at the Golden Globes didn't feel right to me.

I am actually not speaking for myself, I am well over 30 and I've been listening to Grimes' Art Angels non stop, for example. But unfortunately I think it's the truth for most people over 30. My brother stopped giving a shit about music (and by that I mean curious about new stuff and going to gigs) once he got married