
Line of the night:

Uh... am I being stupid? Because my assumption this whole time has been that it refers to The One Ring itself, which holds sway over the other rings of power:
One ring to rule them all = The Lord of the Rings.

The problem wasn’t the gameplay, but the tight lipped nature of the marketing and the fact the beta was an extremely poor representation of the final product. Which, funny enough, is what a beta actually would be. However, in these days, people hear “beta” and think “demo”. The beta build everyone played the past few

He looks handcuffed to me with his arms wrapped behind him. Besides, rushing a mob of Gotham cops is very much like his first couple of years as Batman in comics.

They have only shot about 25% of the movie, so their options were a bit limited. It’s Batman. Obviously it’s going to be dark.

I may be in the minority here, and someone else may have pointed it out, but i love that they show him with the grease paint around the eyes. Such a small thing, but it drove me nuts in previous films when the makeup would magic away when the cowl came off.

*Batman beating up goon*

The best thing they can do as a company is hire a single person who, y’know, likes Superman.


“Ugh, Batman is SOOOOO overrated and overexposed, when are we going to get over-OH MY FUCKING GOD PUT IT INTO MY VEINS!”

Wow. I’m very surprised at how good this looks. I was skeptical, but damn if they haven’t put together an awfully compelling first trailer. Can’t wait to see more. 

I don’t think her presence is the issue to be worried about. I’m more worried that it’ll be called and marketed as a Suicide Squad game, but it’ll actually be the Harley Quinn and her +1's. There are other members of the Suicide Squad. They shouldn’t be sidelined in a game that’s ostensibly about a group of people.

They better not put Quinzel in the team or I’m out. It’s fucking ridiculous how hard they shoehorn her into every DC property these days.

I actually thought the tesseract was a good way to portray how higher dimensional beings would attempt to communicate with humans and how time is non-linear to them. It was a daunting task to get right, and I think that was an admirable take. I also liked how the hard science behind time and gravity interaction with

An Uncharted movie sounds like 2012's hottest movie!

America can’t even decide whether or not COVID-19 is a problem.

Maybe — and just spitballing here — not repeating the “we’re going to put a lot of coal miners out of business” sound-byte (no matter how true, false, or twisted the sound-byte actually is) may be the better plan -- and focusing on the “what’s said” portions of the plan is what the campaign wants to focus on, vs. the

She was 15. Good judgement takes time to develop, and not everybody has it by 15, nor should we expect them to. A better question is why the hell were the adults in the house cool with letting a 15 year old girl live alone wirh a bunch of men

A polygon writer talked about it in her article on the game’s discourse: