
Maybe the internet is the only place we can be angry, angry about the fact that we live in shanties and have two lying narcissistic privileged fuck-wads one step away from tearing down our shanties for more rich folk condos.

Ned’s already been fucked on film once already.

Maybe he’s going to use his millions to fund civil rights organizations or maybe even create an organization of his own.

I could respect your either posting less or thinking more.

“Have a seat.”

Is that you, General Petraeus?

This middle-aged white man is most angry with most white Americans, period. That’s why you get my star, good sir/madam.

So the reason for the number of required hours means those number of required hours can’t be compared to another job’s required number of hours?

Nope, that’s a false false equivalence because the number of hours training required before you are licensed to perform your job is just that: the number of hours training required before you are licensed to perform your job.

I find it absurd that someone thinks anyone would vote for Trump because they think he’s going to deal with oppression.

*sniff sniff* Do I smell sarcasm there?

Those cosmetologists have been under such scrutiny ever since that cross-dressing lumberjack wannabe admitted to his desire to murder his customers. No cop has ever admitted to such.

Are you saying that disregarding the oath to protect the Top Secret classified information provided to her as Secretary of State is not a felony?

Looks like a picture of CK with Trump’s cabinet, except that they let the caterer sit on the couch to make it look less racist.

Your relationship to “The Church of Bill Hicks” is the same as Dylann Roof’s to the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church.

Oh, you’re no fun anymore!

And because you mentioned Barry Fucking Bonds, I’ve got to get this off my chest:

Nah, I’m just saying that they can do whatever the fuck they want, thus they only face the pressures they, themselves, put themselves under.

The problem is that they can’t stand any criticism of what they think we should be doing. Any objection to the way of life that earned them their station in life is an affront to their livlihood. That they have no conscience is not something we untermenschen have any business questioning.

In this dawning of the Age of Information, everything we do and say is a tell as to our true natures. Unfortunately, most people are just revealing how deplorable they are — except for the rich, it’s fortunate that we can now see what the fuck they’re really about.