
This just in: Richard Dreyfus is a senile old fart yelling at the clouds because clouds were fluffier back in the day.

Jesus. I am embarrassed for everyone involved in this cosplay for monarchists. Seriously. WTF. Wearing a crown and carrying an orb?!?!! Just take back all the royal booty into the general treasury, give back all the shit they stole from... well, everyone, and run the country as if it were governed by adults, not by

One thing you can count on: for the next ten years, every time someone gets ill or dies unexpectedly antivax/QAnon wingnuts will assume that they have had the COVID vaccine and that the vaccine was the cause. Then they will get into an argument amongst themselves over whether the complications arose from the vaccine

Mr Richie,

There is a legal term: “mens rea” which is latin for guilty mind or generally the awareness that the person knew at the time his/her actions were wrong. The proof of mens rea in this case is that he knew enough to disclose most gifts from most friends/benefactors, but was clearly avoiding disclosing similar but much

Hey! If you didn’t want to take the risk of getting shot at, why did you take a job as a first grade teacher?”

I thought he was going to talk about the discrimination that Irish and Italian (and other) immigrants faced in their first couple generations in the US..... but no.... he is going down the “you owe us money because our forebears fought to free you from the slavery that our forebears inflicted on you. That is the most

Oh hell, not this fucking guy again.

So, their doctor told them that the baby needed medical care and that he was required to report the situation to CPS if they denied their newborn that care, and they ignored that doctor and took the advice of their midwife instead. Their pediatrician has cared for their other two kids, so the doc is not an untrusted

French culture seems to be pretty chill with extramarital affairs, which seems cool.

His divorce NDA should have included a clause that prohibits diclosing the bonkers terms of the NDA.... or maybe that would have to be in a second NDA, so as not to create a legal vortex that would suck in the whole universe.

I hate fascism. That’s why I have a signed copy of Mein Kampf.

The rules are.... um... er... whatever I feel like at the time.

Translation: My son fucks around, but he is not gay. Therefore, I am pretty chill with fornicating, but still hate on the gay stuff.

As a candidate, I hate to cave in to political pressure, but in this case: monthly nard kicks it will be!!!

Please elect me as judge to oversee this trial. I have only one campaign promise: When Trump is convicted, each of the CP5 get to kick him once —as hard as they like— directly in the nards.

Campaign finance fraud is a nice appetizer. I’m waiting for the main course of treasonous insurrection with official secrets act violations for dessert.


We are the party of individual freedoms and personal liberty... unless you are a woman, then fuck you, you walking incubator, and why did we give you the right to vote anyway?

Ugh, just watched the Netflix doc on the missing MH370 flight. What garbage. At one point they talk about the loonies that blame aliens for making it disappear, then go one to spend 2/3 of the series promoting theories that involve hundreds of people covering up some conspiracy with little or no motive.