
Candy Corn is the worst candy.

Well, I am glad to hear them say the quiet part out loud, but I don’t know that “we don’t care if he is a lying hypocrite, we just want power” is really the winning message that they think it is.

Honestly, I can’t see how this pipeline damage benefits anyone. Russia could just turn of the supply side and accomplish the same thing. Germany could turn off their end and accomplish the same thing. Ukraine has no reason to piss off Germany and NATO. In terms of motive..... Iran/Saudi Arabia/Norway/some other

You know, when people of good character step away from their party to take a stand, I usually pay attention. When Hyper-Republican Liz Cheney steps out on her own to slap DJT, that makes news. When Michael Bennet steps out to support fracking and the Keystone pipeline, I listen his point too. Not that I will end up

She was sobbing uncontrollably, she asked me if I wanted to keep the baby (to which I said no), I gave her the amount of cash one would need to pay for an abortion, I dropped her off at a healthcare facilities that provides abortions, ..... HOW WAS I SUPPOSED TO KNOW SHE WAS GOING FOR AN ABORTION???!!?

Like many of you, I have seen about a zillion political ads in the last month, and many/most of the ads from Dems mention nothing but abortion, and usually completely out of context. What I am NOT hearing: “get the govt out of your doctors office,” “reproductive freedom”, “attack on our civil rights”, nor “the

Excellent point, although I am still confused by the “black people are Jewish” remark. Really?? Do they know it? Are Black Muslims also Jewish???!? ...cuz that seems like a plot twist from The Twilight Zone.

So many things, but a couple points:

Probably the least important take on the whole situation, but.... the expression is “defcon 3", shortened from the air defense alert level AKA “defense readiness condition”. In other words, in what condition of alertness should our air defenses be at. Defcon 5 through defcon 1. 5 = all is cool, 1 = scramble the

I have a question: did the children out of wedlock, the lying about...well, everything, did that help or hurt his poll numbers? Also, in an unrelated matter, has Mr. Walker ever tortured dogs in somewhat suspect medical research? Asking for a friend.

This is interesting because Yahoo News also reported that the Georgia Republican Party is providing funds for the legal defense of most so-called fake electors.

Who new.... those brave souls that fight wild fires:

Person A: The police aren’t bad, there are just a few bad apples.

I am pretty sure you shouldn’t be writing about this, because some poor white kids might read about it, and then they would feel bad.

Things that haven’t hurt Dr. Oz are:

Unfortunately, probably the least qualified person to make a decision on whether they have been concussed, is someone who was just concussed. Which is to say, Tua should never have gotten back on the field last Sunday, and likely should have been held out from playing for 10 days or more. So all these “he is an adult

Trump said the model, whose mother is Black and father is white, got her looks from mom and her intelligence “from her dad, the white side,”

Dear Shitheads who passed these laws.

Well, I guess the good news is that now people other than straight white men now think that they should take on jobs that they are in no way qualified to do. Writing laws without any background in law.... check. Voting on policy without any background in governance or public policy... check. Supporting (and being

I came across an old book of nursery rhymes, and I can assure you that in that book along with Mary and her diminutive lamb was the original “Eeny meeny,” and no tigers were involved, but there was a hugely offensive picture of a black child being restrained by his big toe. I almost shit myself.