
It would do this country a world of good if Favre were convicted for fraud. He could share a cell with his buddies POTUS45 and the former governor of MS.

Walk the plank!! Walk the plank!

Oh, this fucking guy. To tie him to the other scandal in Mississippi, the former governor diverted $77 million from the state welfare fund into BS projects, and rich-guy pockets.

“We have to balance things with curriculums that allow for self-confidence,” said Kanye. “Because so many of the schools and modern indoctrinations take away from the confidence that these future leaders would have in themselves.”

This guy is a real piece of work. Campaigned in the primary with non-stop election-denial, “Trump got robbed” rhetoric, then he won the Republican primary and THE NEXT WEEK came out with a statement to the effect of “after conducting months of research, I have concluded that there was no significant voter fraud and

You know, if this worksheet was being used in first grade, then they have a point. Six-year-olds don’t even have the vocabulary to understand the concept....

Well, if she hadn’t been able to get an abortion based on a law she supported, and then subsequently died from complications in child-birth, I assume her death certificate would list cause of death as “cosmic irony” with contributing factors as “lack of foresight, lack of empathy, and tribal group-think”.

FWIW, the sexual, verbal tormenting happened after Mussolini, Jr. was sworn in. Correlation? Dunno. But you are right, he certainly gave the country’s worst assholes permission to loudly vocalize their worst thoughts.

We are the party of liberty and personal accountability.... unless you are a child or a woman, then we really need to know everything that is going on with your wee-wee and hoo-hoo. Oh, and Jesus wrote the constitution, and maybe slavery was a good thing.

I don’t get it. The woman had a job of:

In related news, the recent review of organisms that live in the ocean has yielded “fish” and “plankton”. Huh. Who could have seen that coming??!

To the thousands of “patriots” who are sure that the 2020 election was stolen, I summarize the following facts, and ask the following question:

Dr. Oz makes a great point. Sex with a cousin is no big deal. You could even marry your cousin, and that would be fine too. I 100% think that cousin-marrying is fine and late-night talk show hosts should definitely not bring up the matter, especially if you later divorce your cousin-wife. I mean really... a for-real

Tiafoe has had a super strong game for a while now. He is a joy to watch. Until now, his only weakness has been consistently playing to his abilities. It is great to see him pull it all together, and taking down Rafa to make the quarters is awesome.

I respect some of the films of Woody Allen. On the other hand, I don’t “admire” him. Something about child rape and marrying a teenage step-daughter that somehow takes “admire” off the table. I respect OJ’s historical prowess in playing football, but ex-wife murdering pretty much makes admiration impossible.

He musts have been tempted to go back and do 10 minutes of nonstop Will & Jada jokes.

Semi-related anecdote: I was coaching a JV high school volleyball game away game, when one of my players broke down in tears and came off the court. Some “fans” of the home team were going at her with “hey, you’re hot, I’d really like to....” sexual harassment. I called a time out, notified the opposing coach, who

Yes it is. And that choice is, um, er... interesting?!?

Who is best able to make decisions about the health care of minors? A) the children themselves, in consultation with their parents, doctors, and best medical practice standards, or B) complete strangers who think that the folks who burned witches might have been in the right.

I may be wrong, but either you believe the 24-40 women who accused him of assault, or you believe him that he never “mistreated or disrespected anyone.” If you believe the women, then he should be banned from the league forever, or at least for the foreseeable future, or you believe Watson, and he should face no