
I worked at a company that went through a round of layoffs and hadn’t quite figured out the logistics of doing that smoothly. Also, there was an “all employees” distribution list in the email client.

Just brilliant. Word on the street is that Trump has “the best brain”. /s

The irony of this whole thing is that Trump (inspired by the Hillary email nonsense) made it a much more serious crime to mishandle classified documents. So, Trump is being investigated by an FBI chief he appointed and will be prosecuted under a law he signed into effect.

Well, you can’t talk about Harriet Tubman without talking about slavery, and you can’t talk about MLK without talking about the struggle for civil rights. And knowing anything at all about those topics might make white kids feel bad about the actions of their ancestors.... and we can’t have that.

My family has always had a reunion in late July. It was cool catching up with the cousins and swimming and eating hot dogs for a week. I recall one summer when we were all 8-10 years old, we compared notes about how we thought babies were made. Some of our hypotheses are pretty funny in retrospect.

“Wear a helmet”

Ummm.... so, not surprising that Alex Jones is a shitty partner, but somewhat surprising that someone, anyone thought it was a good idea to marry this angry, narcissistic loon.

Try to keep in mind that the GA GOP for sure vetted him and decided that he would be an acceptable candidate for U.S. Senate. Also try to keep in mind that an ugly divorce with allegations of violence and restraining orders are also pretty easy to find.

“I see my whole family as being human, and I love and accept them for all their humanness,” Willow said. “Because of the position that we’re in, our humanness sometimes isn’t accepted, and we’re expected to act in a way that isn’t conducive to a healthy human life and isn’t conducive to being honest.”

Well, this will come in handy for all the kids taking history classes: “hey, you were born after World War II, you can’t be talking about Hitler or anything like that.... what would you know, Babe?”

he has also, de facto, already been suspended for a full year.

Some sports talking head made the point that either: A) you believe Watson, in which case no punishment is appropriate, or B) you believe the accusations, in which case indefinite suspension seems right. Judge Robinson concluded that the accusations were credible, and Watson was not. His pattern of behavior was

Excellent point. If the NFL pushes for an indefinite ban, then the NFLPA will march into court demanding discovery on behavior of Jerry Jones, Dan Snyder, Jim Irsay, Bob Kraft, etc. with the portion of the discipline agreement that says that “owners and management will be held to higher standards than players”

So now Roger Goodell will sit in his oversized office and ask his minions to figure out how much blowback he will receive —and how much revenue will be lost— if he doesn’t increase the punishment to indefinite with mandatory counseling. 

Well, now we know why Putin was so anxious to have Trump in office. He might not be an actual Russian agent, but he sure does say most of the things that a Russian agent would say. 

These world leaders are wrong when they comment about American Constitutional Law.

OK, good point on the Manziel contract. What about Ben Roethlisberger, who somewhat famously had a mediocre work ethic when it came to watching film and general game prep? There have been a bunch of QB’s with reputations for “skating by”, and it seems pretty inept on the part of the Cards to try to codify “doing

If you write a pre-nup for your future spouse where they have to not go out without you, and have to keep a phone tracker on their phone, and they have to keep their phone on their person at all times, and they can’t talk to a member of the opposite sex without you in the room, and..... (you get the point)..... then

Bishop Whitehead and I agree on two things:

Republicans: Women getting divorced to leave their violent husbands = bad (J.D. Vance), Men getting divorced to marry a younger wife with perky boobs = good (Newt Gingrich<twice>, Trump <twice>).