
Yeah, I’ve never actually net that type out in the wild. Most libertarians aren’t those “muh purity!!!” types.

We do. But Oldmaninseattle is obviously so used to using libertarians as bogeymen that he just couldn’t help himself. Libertarians are at the forefront in the fight against this shit. Libertarians see ownership as one of the most fundamental rights a person has, and right to repair is a core property issue that we’ve

Short term, you’re probably right. Long term, you’re also probably right. LOOOOONG term, you’re wrong. 

Unless you’re pushing this point from a purely philosophical perspective, then the original statement can be assumed to be correct. The sun WILL eventually go supernova, destroying this planet and all life on it.

It’s only from an exceptionally pedantic, obnoxious POV that your statement holds any water whatsoever.


And so far, you’ve provided 0 proof of any of your claims. Why shouldn’t I make fun of a half-assed little clown like you?

Every time somebody says “X is enough for almost everybody,” I cringe at what a pompous, moronic statement that is. We don’t build for the average. We never have. It’s a proven mistake to do so.

Or, buy a phone from a manufacturer who isn’t interested in domesticating me into a little streaming pet like you.

The point is having a device that works for me, not having a device that I work for. Maybe you need to rethink your definition of ownership, because it sounds like you’re the property and the phone is the

And you’re still wrong. I mean, I get it, you just need enough space to stream your pornhub account.

Some of us use our phones for a little more than that.

It’s like you have a bunch of tech illiterates around you, and you think that your confirmation bias is somehow a fact. It isn’t. You’re dumb.

128 isn’t bad. I have 64 on my phone and 200 on my SD Micro (Hand me down from my tablet which recently got a 256 to compliment the 500GB C: drive). It makes life pretty easy, especially when moving phones because I can simply move all of my data in one fell swoop. One point of contention for me is that I don’t

I am fun at parties. Mostly because I don’t try to push my viewpoints as the only valid ones. Nobody knows how you are at parties because nobody ever invites your Drake obsessing ass. And you really shouldn’t cast aspersions on other peoples’ open minds as yours is the one that was closed like your chubby little hand

I can listen to my music offline. Oh, there it is. I’m not dependent on a connection, and often go places where connections are either spotty or simply don’t exist. Get out of your mom’s basement and get out into the real world for a change kid. You might actually enjoy some fresh air and sunlight. 

If you’re having to carry around 64gb of music you have a problem.

64GB is plenty for just about everyone

Because Siamese cats are cool. 

Iron Fist felt like it was finally ready to roll. 

Shh... be careful... the last time someone asked if something was blue/not blue, we were subjected to that stupid-assed dress meme for a month. 

Deadp.... OK, never mind. 

Hey, for all we know, Sinestro might mean “Peace, Happiness, and Butterflies” in Korugaran!

Oh! I can’t wait to see the ultra-interesting story about how..... zzzzzzz

It’s a good thing you’re writing for this and not that. 

She’s a rookie assassin like Luke Skywalker is a rookie Jedi Master in ROTJ. 

I like this one!