road_pizza v 2.0

Sadly I hope so too. In her case it’s making her more angry and unbearable and it’s terrible to watch. My father went fairly quickly after a severe stroke and in retrospect that made his passing a little easier to take.


My mom never smoked or consumed alcohol, yet at almost 87 she’s in a nursing home with dementia. Go figure.

And hookers. Gotta have hookers.

Can I come?

My almost 87 year old mom has dementia. I fucking HATE it.

Good plan.

I may have to do that as well, given my health I’ll probably surpass 80.

My mom’s almost 87, never smoked or consumed alcohol in her life. She’s currently in a nursing home with early onset dementia. I have ZERO desire to emulate her. I don’t smoke but give me Jack & Cokes or give me death!

That’s where my almost 87 year old mom is right now... :-(

We penalize shitty drivers, so.....

Been arguing this for years. I don’t smoke, eat reasonably well, drink socially and VERY moderately, and exercise regularly, so why in the hell should I pay the same for health insurance as some 350lb fat assed chainsmoking lazy fuck?

Yea... how about Red Bull? Monster? And each and every other high calorie “energy” drink??? How are they any “better” for us than pop?

Mine are whiskey, motorcycles, and slim long-legged women :) . And I indulge in each the same rate as you do LOL!

We here in Cuyahoga County used a “sin” tax to build a couple of stadiums and an arena. Yea, I know, fucked up priorities.

I had a friend die at 29 from lung cancer due to smoking cigarettes, and I also had a friend die at 94 and he smoked unfiltered Lucky Strikes and retired from Ford’s Cleveland Casting Plant foundry, hiring on there LONG before the EPA ever existed. When it’s our time to go it’s our time to go, period.

What is this “soda” of which you speak?

I’m not “extremely” tall but at 6'3" I refuse to sit like that.

Good luck with with me, I’m 6'3" with a large frame. I doubt if anyone could make a seat that much bigger than me.

I have back issues, and they can take this vid and stuff it where the sun don’t shine.