road_pizza v 2.0

That’s how I’ve always done it.

That dude’s gonna get a mouthful of knee if he hits anything.

I can drive my ‘18 F150 in that most-perfect of positions.

The seats in my ‘91 Grand Marquis looked much like those :) .

Uh huh, sure. My spine can’t stand being in that position for more than a few minutes before by back starts hurting, so I recline the seat a bit to stop that from happening. Guess what? It’s the perfect seating position... FOR ME. Which is all that’s important... do what’s right FOR YOU, and screw these clueless “studi

Ran when sunk.


I like those too, but DAMN, they’re a pain in the ass to maintain. Too damned complicated, especially the ‘97s and ‘98s with their POS HID headlamps.

How the hell was I the first to star this???

Nailed it.

Thank you, Capt. Buzzkill.

Will never happen. For the record I’m 56 and refuse to join that organization.

Until you “decent younger people” reach the age when you do exactly the same thing. Lather, rinse, repeat.

I found a Corvair in the wood when I was a teen that was in about that condition. At least I THINK it was a Corvair.

Did it run when parked?

Screen name checks out.

Lillet, which is NOT vermouth.


Mark VII’s are awesome.

My father’s Vega had that as factory equipment.