
Reader's guide for French poetry majors: shortwave radio uses frequencies between about 10 and 40 MHz to communicate directly point-to-point by reflecting signals off the ionosphere. The advantage is that no relay station or satellite is needed. The ionosphere is a natural layer of charged particles about 50-200 miles

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cleverly woven into the plot, to the point where the episode can't function in any way without this scene, and a rare (perhaps only) time a purely expositional scene also happened to be the best scene of an episode:

I'm glad I wasn't the only one who thought of that song when they read the title.

I'm going to nominate the eternal classic Bad Blood episode of the X-Files. Not for Mulder and Scully, who I think we can all agree had plenty of TV show to themselves, but rather because I think the story of a town-sized population of migrant vampires who just try to stay under the radar and deal with each other's

What a godawful conflict.....20th Century killing and mayhem with 19th century logistical and medical technologies and support. The worst of both worlds.

my girlfriends grandad used to tell her about his time in world war 1, for all the tragedy and death, the thing that woke him in the middle of the night even into his eighties was the memory of the sound of horses dying in no mans land.

Yet, the underlying sentiment of both these statements bother me, in that they suggest a false dichotomy between faith and science—the idea that you can believe in the Bible or you can believe in evolution, but you can't believe in both.

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If you're going to include "Everybody in [insert name here]" then don't don't bother making a list in the first place. In any case,none can hold a candle to the terrifying T-Rex concept from the Rite of Sping sequence from Fantasia:

Don't be silly: Everyone knows John Hurt actually enjoyed having the alien burst out of his chest.

What this article misses is the fact that she later learned someone who helped work on her own screenplay adaption of her book went on to work on the Gravity movie as well.

No dragons from Pern? Sad.

Sadly, I'm completely not surprised about it. I'm Nigerian, and I live in Abuja the capital. I'm also Igbo (meaning I'm from the south and Catholic). The President GEJ is also from the south (although he's Ijaw not Igbo) and also a Christian. He is literally petrified of the Muslim leaders from the North and they all

Hey, I wrote that book. Glad to see it come up in this thread. Oak Island is a fascinating place.

What can I say? While the creationism is why I heard about this story, the thing I immediately thought was, "I can talk about pygmy mammoths!" Politics is depressing, but palaeontology is awesome.

Sigourney Weaver killed it in "Paul".

"Dog Knot" would be a great name for a punk rock band.

As you might have picked up, this type of catastrophic landslide was exactly my thesis topic. It's the thing I know best in the world, and I'm getting really irritable at the journalists (and geologists!) snarking about how people shouldn't have lived in Oso. From the information currently available, they did all the