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"Profanity cheapens the soul and weakens the mind."

Not to mention that many theaters already designate kid friendly viewings, where noise is to be expected because, you know, kids. I had refrained from commenting on this, but now that I've seen it on every single Gawker media blog, I have to say I just don't understand what people are so upset about. It's a kids movie

They're braces. James Bond wore them. I wear them. And I'm not exactly straight.

Expand your fashion sense.

Or a dinosaur will eat you.

(That bridesmaid's boots though, yeah, that's a mauling.)

I've been to weddings in NC and LA. It's hot; it's muggy, I get that. So the groom and the groomsmen do the no jacket/rolled-up sleeves thing. Okay. They're straight boys. But suspenders? Suspenders? That's the Queer Rex coming for them for that.

Well, Asgardians, being pan-dimensional god-aliens, experience the the whole range of the Kinsey Scale -as well as a few more we cannot detect on our human genital spectrum. So "coming out" isn't really applicable to them.