
Will there be pearls though?

The current “government” definitely isn’t stepping in these days unless its to get a cut.

I am hoping we get both a “Fucking Mirror Guy” and a “Lube Man, hell yeah” in the finale.

That would be an epic finale!

They’ve hinted quite a bit about Nite Owl being in prison, so there is a story there. We also know that their are other masked vigilantes since that is what Laurie’s dept is tasked to stop. I think there are plenty of threads you could pull within the world they inhabit.

I think most people that don’t care for the Mandalorian probably also don’t care for westerns. I’ve always been a big western fan and Star Wars fan and I find it quite enjoyable.  It moves at a far slower pace than normal Star  Wars but the pace is quite normal for most westerns.

Much more apt comparison

The comic made your second point pretty clear often, he just didn’t spend “bandwidth” on the mundane (including his relationship with Laurie)

Hasn’t every g(G)od tied and failed to create a Utopia though?

Watchmen is so damn good it’s kinda ruining this series for me when I think otherwise i’d be enjoying it.

As someone who grew up in an evangelical family, I completely agree with you. The root problem is that Christianity (evangelical most specifically) tells them to emphatically fight for what is “right” even if it hurts others. This subjective version of what is right is made objective to them because their sky genie

I do not disagree with any of your points. However, I do not think any of the people in that rally photo were virtuous or had good intentions to begin with. They were more evil waiting for an emperor.

my favorite part of the bottom photo is that several members of the mob are holding jobs vs. mobs signs.  This regime murders irony on a daily basis.

Snoke is the only real thing that bothers me about the new ones. They made him so ominous in the first and then just kill him without giving any damn background on him.

I really didn’t understand the part about it never being able to go back on. Rebels is canon and it shows several Mandalorians that take their helmet off in front of others and put it back on often.

my gut feeling is that Dreiberg is going to play a part still

Yeah, I was guessing the son. Cal really caught me off guard.

 There’s at least one person running who you can absolutely judge from his tweets (hint: he’s orange)

actually Veidt is a very stable genius, he says so all the time so it must be true

I think the 7th K idolizing Rorschach still makes sense. Based on the comic we know the racist ravings that were in it and that it was released by their version of Alex Jones back in the 80's. The Veidt video only seems to have come into their possession recently via the Senator (he even says it took him years to get