
"I'm sorry, I think this woman is off her rocker. I think she's lost her mind," Smith said. "That's right, I said it."

uh, Erin, sometimes they wear pink gloves for breast cancer awareness so who's the REAL lady-hater, huh.

This is likely to cause a whole new round of debate. But if there's anyone who's ready for a knockdown-drag out fight, it's Ray Rice.

The handrail in the elevator has also expressed regret for its involvement.

I watched every Nebraska game last year. Westerkamp makes those circus catches for the same reason Derek Jeter made so many "spectacular" defensive plays at shortstop; lack of basic ability at an essential skill meant things looked harder than they were.

We're all sorry.

The weather is beautiful, Burning Man has rid SF of most of its insufferables for a few days and college footbaw is finally here. All is right with the world.

Oh good, another chance for an endless comment chain on reclining airline seats that convinces no one of anything.

Snoop Dogg on:

It's a lame joke.

Dickmove but I love it.

I wrote my Master's thesis on sports such as boxing, football, and hockey potentially leading to neurodegenerative conditions later in life...all it takes is one or two hits to the head and it could set you down that path. Scary stuff. That's why I choose to remain a lazy, fat piece of shit.

Another sign the NFL doesn't get it: Petition started for Weird Al to play halftime got over 150k signatures.

I once took the BART train the same day there was a Raiders game and a gay S&M festival. Everyone was wearing spikes, chains, and black leather. I didn't know who was going to what.

Wow. Pretty sensationalist "journalism" here. This is endorsed by the NFL, guys. Steve Smith takes your lunch box, juice box, and sandwich, and replaces it with a kale, quinoa, and grilled free range organic chicken breast salad as part of the NFL's Play 60 campaign to encourage healthy eating. And then he knocks it

By all means.

There is also "ghetto-footloose-gaspump-style", the style in which GFGJ do things.

My weird stepmom.

"Don't draft this guy."

Yeah we all know the Orioles will flame out this season.