
I watched the series through. If I want to re-watch, I find a guide to episode arches worth watching - there are definitely arches that are worth it, but definitely some throw-away episodes. Anything featuring Maul or Asajj is worth it, for sure.

I mean... old expanded universe resurrected Palpatine several times, albeit as a clone, I believe... I wouldn’t mind seeing more of him in comic or animated series, but I think Disney will leave him dead (maybe a scene here or there in the anthologies).

Indended, but the prequels didn’t do a good job making people like Anakin...

It was perfect. To me it felt like there was still some kind of connection between the two (Anakin and Ahsoka) so it perserved their past, while not undermining the story of Luke being the only one who could save Vader.

I know she died in novel (actually I thought comic, so I’m wrong), but I thought it took place later than RotS?

“Kid, I’ve flown from one side of this galaxy to the other, and I’ve seen a lot of strange stuff, but I’ve never seen anything to make me believe that there’s one all-powerful Force controlling everything. ‘Cause no mystical energy field controls my destiny. It’s all a lot of simple tricks and nonsense.”

I agree. I saw the movie Sunday and had not seen any spoilers - a few headlines about a “shocking cameo,” but no images or mentions of Maul. I think I saw one title on Monday along the lines of “How Maul is still alive” or “The complete timeline of Maul” which, even if you didn’t read could probably give away the

I also laugh at all the fans whom, whenever you mention the animated series, claim that they don’t consider it canon; this forces it canon.

I think this is one of the first big crossovers from the animated series to the big screen. Sure, we saw Chopper, Saw Gerrera, heard Syndulla, and had a few other nods, but isn’t this the first big thing pulled from the series to the big screen?

I was half expecting Bail Organa or Ahsoka, but never Maul. When they showed the hologram, my mind jumped to Snoke, but nope.

When the camera starts to pan on the hologram, I almost thought it could have been Snoke.

LOL My best friend left the theater saying “So Maul was around before the events of Phantom Menace” and I’m like “Bro do you even timeline??”

I was confused, at first, and am still a little dumbfounded. I can’t believe they used him. I heard there was a “surprising cameo” and am very thankful it wasn’t spoiled for me - I kept thinking I’d see Bail Organa or maybe even Ahsoka. I never expected Maul.

One of my favorite scenes in the Clone Wars is when Maul kills Satine. The emotion, the terror, knowing how devistated Obi-Wan is, and the way that Maul kills her...

One of my favorite scenes in the Clone Wars is when Maul kills Satine. The emotion, the terror, the power of that scene. Pulling her into the saber... dang. And that episode then goes into another one of my favorites - the Maul & Savage v Sidious battle is so great.

I’ve watched the animated series and read several of the comics. I think this may have been the most surprised I was during a Star Wars movie. Even “knowing” how the movie ended, I enjoyed some of the twists and turns. And, Maul?

Eeeeeehhhh, if you had your own cow, you probably had very little (if any) risk. Having a cow at home meant your family (presumably) monitored her health and (presumably) went through it fast enough for the milk not to go bad.

Sure, for the most part. It sucks when it’s parents who intentionally put their children’s health at risk.

“We want to hear from everybody who has an interest in what happened today so we can work together on putting together laws that will protect Second Amendment rights, but at the same time ensure that our communities—and especially our schools—are safer places.”

Sick burn!