I really would have liked to have seen “THAT SCENE.” But, wow, I doubt I could have held it in.
I really would have liked to have seen “THAT SCENE.” But, wow, I doubt I could have held it in.
Poor Ackbar...
Not sure if it’s accurate or not, but I heard that she was allegedly just returning from another mission, maybe even Canto Bight and was wearing more formal attire for that.
For sure. I’ve been trying to think about what WOULD work, at this time. I think one way could have been if she had insisted on staying behind when the Falcon leaves Crait, after they have successfully evaded the FO through the cave. Rey tells her there is no more good in Kylo, Leia says something like “There IS still…
“...at least the First order didn’t immediately build a second one...” That we know of. I’m sure it’s happening, elsewhere, off-screen.
I had that thought, too: Let Leia captain the ship. But, I don’t think that would have ended up any better. I think it was stupid that they had to leave anyone behind, anyways (uh, autopilot? setting the ship to drift as it runs out of fuel?), but it would have been much harder to rationalize somebody as important as…
At the very least, they were still relatively close to the planet, dropping bombs over the dreadnought which was also over the planet. I assumed a gravity pull from the dreadnought and the planet assisting the bombs falling.
Yes, let’s give us a movie that spends the entire plot in trial of war crimes. Bureaucracy definitely worked for the prequels!
Tidbit: I don’t think I ever heard the word “hubris” until TLJ. Obviously, I understand the word, but I find it funny how much it gets used now - or if I’ve just never noticed it.
Counterpoint: the Starkiller base was more impractical. At least the Death Star could move. (I’m assuming the Starkiller base couldn’t; haven’t dug into that, any.)
Adding: I agree she was overly smug, too, sneering at Poe, making the fly-boy comments. That turned me off from a character I really wanted to like.
Re: Holdo being an informant.
Hmm. The best way to prosper during wartime is... And they have manufacturing and engineering know-how...
I wonder, too. A lot of older fans may act betrayed, but it would be fun to see more visual representations of how all the OT crew got to where they are in TFA, as the the mysteries unfold with the conclusion of the new trilogy.
I love the explanation about it, too. How they used different lighting to convey him Palpatine the senator/chancellor and Palpatine the scarred emperor.
I went back and watched the scene where Kanan sacrifices himself (YouTube link), trying to question if he somehow knew that Hera was pregnant. Not sure if it’s just the beat of the score, but I swear that when he regains his eyesight, you can hear a heartbeat. The same beat repeats a few times, though. Right around…
I find it frustrating that so many banks find ways to further punish the poor. I was a few weeks into working after having finished up school and hadn’t gotten my first pay checks. My savings account had to dip under $300 for a few days, and I got a $10-20 fine! And the dip extended from the end of the month to the…
Curious what credit union you use. I get just over 1% interest on my accounts (still not great, but way better than my old .05% on a local bank).
I haven’t watched the entire series, but I’ve watched scenes here and there and read the reviews. Just watched this scene and daaang. That may have been one of the best on-screen deaths I’ve seen.
Several other articles I read leaned more on the other bad excuse that it was to deter theft.